replied to the topic Have you guys ever heard of a biomechanical/organic tattoo theme in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 11 years, 9 months ago
Noooo never heard of that ever. Totally unique idea!
biomechanical tattoo – Google Search
@harlem shake 127335 wrote:
I had got a tattoo on my arm and my artist said i can come back and we can discuss what to draw up to fill the remaining space on my shoulder. so i went in and he showed me some ideals and one ideal was a biomachanical/organic…
replied to the topic Bucket Lists in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years, 5 months ago
@gawj1512 117445 wrote:
I have this list (gay) of tattoos I want to get. And where. Not necessarily by who.
So is your list somehow homosexual in nature, or were you just using an offensive slur because you don’t necessarily have an adequate command of English?
replied to the topic Pocket watch piece complete. in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
That is so well done. Beautifully designed and executed!
replied to the topic Back tattoo – CREST – Updated 3 sitting in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
Gorgeous – well done!
replied to the topic who reconize this front?!?!? please help in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Ohhhh….you’re talking about a FONT? English…it works well when used correctly.
replied to the topic who reconize this front?!?!? please help in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
What’s a front? All I see is her backside.
replied to the topic Dont tread on me…. in the forum Tattoo Flash – Show Your Designs 13 years ago
Wow; that is impressive. Beautifully done!
replied to the topic What would it take to get tatted by Nick Baxter?? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Now, Adler…it’s not a made up word!
Who knows? Maybe this gentleman really does want Nick Baxter to do some lacework on him!
replied to the topic need ideas – a dream within a dream poem in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m on my second funeral inside of two weeks for teenagers and I know the grieving process is exhausting.
Based on the second stanza, I think I would do an old fashioned hourglass sitting on the beach with a hand above it and sand pouring from the hand into the hourglass.
replied to the topic Koi fish half sleeve. in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 13 years ago
Translation: My friend wants someone else to design and draw his tattoo for him without doing any work himself. Anyone up for it? Oh, and if you want to volunteer to pay for the ink too, that’d be great!
replied to the topic Sugar Skull for left hand. in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 13 years ago
Yes, every design is different. But from your description, you have a clear picture in your mind of what this tattoo should look like. So tossing out random designs does nothing but waste time and space.
The examples above? 5 of the 6 don’t even have the *basic* requirements that you asserted were imperative to the design. It was pointless.
replied to the topic Sugar Skull for left hand. in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 13 years ago
Why not just go to your artist and ask him or her to render it exactly as you’ve described it here? That way you will be able to edit any “flaws” as you go, and it’ll expedite the process.
replied to the topic Irish Gaelic grammer!! in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
Yeeeeeah…you’re a little late on this one, aren’t you? Gaelic is a tough language as it is, and the nuances can really alter things.
That being said, I would check here:
The closest phrasing I know is: Níl agat ach saol amháin (and yes, the accent over the ‘a’ is mandatory!) but the literal translation i…[Read more]
replied to the topic New Tattoo for my son. in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 1 month ago
Just a thought – that pic you posted of him is precious. What if you took it to the artist and had Edward’s right hand holding the chain of the watch? (Reproducing the hand position, shape, etc, from the photograph, of course!)
Congratulations to your family!
replied to the topic Muscle pain in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 1 month ago
Oh yeah…my tattoos always feel bruised afterwards. Nothing to worry about.
replied to the topic First sitting on this guy in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 3 months ago
This is gorgeous, but I second the recommendation to elevate it. Consider cold packs as well. And hell, then all you need to do is crack open a beer and turn on the football game. The Steelers play at 1pm EST! =)
replied to the topic Custom Design — Help in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 3 months ago
Most people here hate tribal tattoos, so you may find yourself barking up the wrong tree.
But I’d browse albums, here and in search engines, and then design your own. Take bits and pieces of what you like, but personalize it to reflect your own message.
replied to the topic my newest and fav in the forum Inked Skin 13 years, 3 months ago
As someone who uses a wheelchair part time, I think this is quite cool. =) I like people who have a sense of humor about their disabilities!
replied to the topic new tattoo, advice? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 3 months ago
There is a huge difference between being hones and being a dickhead.
If my daughter is wearing a shirt that is unflattering to her body type, I can tell her that in several different ways and still get my point across.
Perhaps it’s merely a difference in personality and perspective, but I simply don’t feel the need to say, “Holy shit you look…[Read more]
replied to the topic new tattoo, advice? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years, 3 months ago
Don’t stress it. Being an asshole is not just accepted but pretty well expected here. The common courtesy of polite disagreement or “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything” is rarely found here.
If you like text tattoos, get them. I have only one, a short phrase in Latin, but with very important meaning for me. It didn’t…[Read more]
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