replied to the topic Would tattoos be more accepted in the work place if more people perceived tattoos as art? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years, 10 months ago
I work in a “professional” setting and I do see tattoos becoming more tolerated in the business world. Cute little tattoos are becoming almost like ear piercings IMO and they are perceived as more of an accessory then art. I don’t ever see moderate to heavily tattooed people ever becoming fully accepted. The problem being the actual act of bo…[Read more]
replied to the topic Valkyrie wing fix done my ink masters Al Fliction in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 10 months ago
That is f’ed up, takes some serious balls though to rip off another artist on TV.
replied to the topic Has anyone else heard of "the tapout" in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years, 10 months ago
Never heard of it, but yea as others have said, doesn’t sound right to me.
Even if it was “deeply” discounted because you are sitting that long, that is still way too much of a discount to sound like the work would be good, and I don’t think I would put my body thru that even if it was legit.
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 10 months ago
Thanks GrayCatLove and horsegirl 🙂
mrchen, thanks for the picture comment on my half sleeve, actually getting just a tad bit more work on that when I go in this month. Unfortunately my leg does have work of several different people, the cherub and knot where there already so my artist did what she could to incorporate it into the piece, wish…[Read more]
replied to the topic Swastika? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 12 years, 10 months ago
peterpoose;110572 wrote:
Guess it depends on whether you want to get beaten up every time you go out lollol, yea, that
replied to the topic How old?? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years, 10 months ago
My husband’s 80 year old grandmother has started to talk to me about wanting to get a tattoo, which I happen to think is pretty damn awesome. I don’t think there is ever a “too” old.
replied to the topic Finished my first tattoo today! in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 10 months ago
Very pretty.
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 10 months ago
Finished! Kind of…my artist pointed out with one side of the ankle done it looks a little lopsided and I agree, so going back this month to get some camera film added to the other side of my ankle, and I plan to eventually take this up my entire leg. So if anyone is interested in the somewhat finished product:
replied to the topic the taboos of tongue piercings… in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
Congrats! 😉 Once the swelling goes down and once you can switch the bar over to a shorter one it will feel a lot better. Are you dissolving ice in your mouth to help with the swelling?
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
More work done today, another crappy picture. Need to get better pics. Another cat portrait added, this one wraps around the back of my leg, hard to get a picture that does not look akward, also had my preexisting ankle tattoo reworked, the knot was there, she added in the torn parchment around it. One more cat portrait to go than finishing touches.
replied to the topic Full Back piece Newb in the forum Inked Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
Really beautiful! Would love to see it when finished
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Thanks msmercury, nice to see another person from Maryland here 🙂
replied to the topic Tattoos that make you go WTF? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
ezrider;107089 wrote:
Tattoos in the eye always make me say wtf….Ugh, they showed this being done on, I think national geographic’s “Taboo”. Eye stuff has always freaked me out and for some reason I forced myself to watch it, made me want to vomit
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
That’s cool Adler, overall as long as I’m in love with it, that is all that matters, but thanks for congrats 😉
replied to the topic JOsh Woods Ink Master in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 13 years ago
I think I’ll enjoy watching this show a bit more now that the blonde girl is gone, overly sensitive whiney females just get on my nerves.
replied to the topic the taboos of tongue piercings… in the forum Pierced Skin 13 years ago
Well, pain is relative to the person, but for me I think I remember more feeling pressure on my tongue then any pain, I can tell you compared to the navel the tongue was a walk in the park. The swelling was more of a minor announce to me than painful.
Healing, hrmm if I remember right a month as far as keeping it clean? Can’t remember though, s…[Read more]
replied to the topic the taboos of tongue piercings… in the forum Pierced Skin 13 years ago
Can’t honestly answer the part about if girls with tongue piercings automatically make me think they are slutty or trashy, since I have mine done, and I don’t think I’m slutty or trashy 😉
But to answer your question about them being annoying; I’ve had mine for, well let’s just say over 10 years because it makes me feel too old to admit the…[Read more]
replied to the topic quick question on small bumps on my tattoo in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 13 years ago
To answer your other question, no, a tattoo artist should not work on you if you currently have something going on with your skin in the area
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Thanks guys 🙂
LOL, Amok ever since I started to plan this out I have been calling it the “crazy cat lady” sleeve
replied to the topic Leg project in the forum Inked Skin 13 years ago
Crappy cellphone pic, but this is what I got yesterday:
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