replied to the topic question Need help and info asap!!! in the forum Introduce Yourself 9 years, 11 months ago
I would like to still look at the photos. It explains what can be put on the resource side for uploading photos and a link to the image.
after healing color and so becomes lighter. so it is interesting how you have made it darker than desired.
replied to the topic Girlfriends New Tat – No Good IMO… in the forum Inked Skin 9 years, 11 months ago
@MarshMellow 143276 wrote:
I rather be with out the women due to speaking my mind… than with someone I have to bite my tongue for.
It was just a joke. I meant that if you constantly repeat that it is a very bad tattoo – she could not believe it. Purely out of a sense of contradiction: people rarely immediately realize what they have done a bad…[Read more]
replied to the topic Girlfriends New Tat – No Good IMO… in the forum Inked Skin 9 years, 11 months ago
I think girl will change herself opninion in future. But it will be her opinion and her solve.
you can show her beautiful tattoos for example. But gently. And her opinion about tattoo change faster.
but if you make her think that her tattoo is bad – you will be without women 🙂simply educate a girl an artistic taste in the examples and then she…[Read more]
replied to the topic Can I get a tattoo to cover this scar? (Pics included) in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 9 years, 11 months ago
I think this is a bad idea. Work with scar is very hard and even just the image is applied differently and harder. And it will healed badly than tattoo on clean skin usually.
And about your solve:
skin tone is not equal level and it change from time from suntan from lighting. And color of tattooing skin havn’t so features as all skin. And after…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Slow in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 9 years, 11 months ago
@turbosatan 143216 wrote:
thats should be fixed now also. if you could confirm pls.
Entered through Facebook is work!) thank you very much ^_^
replied to the topic Help my tattoo is crooked! in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 9 years, 11 months ago
@Reflex 143212 wrote:
I want to keep the “squiggle” as it indicates the aries horns. But I’m confused, I can’t make it skinnier, And I don’t see how that would solve the problem.
This is not a problem. You can master would pick a different pattern with preservation the desired idea.
And what about the correction of these horns – just ask any…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Slow in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 9 years, 11 months ago
I can not enter the site. Simply did not have a button on the input or the input via Facebook. Happened to come at all through registration.
replied to the topic Help my tattoo is crooked! in the forum Announcements, Guidelines, Feedback And Suggestions 9 years, 11 months ago
This error can be corrected, but then the line will have to do a tattoo skinny and due to this fix. But I would advise is generally cut off because squiggle looks strange and not nice.
replied to the topic How do you prepare for the pain? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 12 months ago
Before the session, I advise people to sleep well. On the day of the session – and eat well for a couple of hours before but not overeating. And the third – the day before the session to eliminate the excesses of the type of alcohol.
In this case, of course, and not slept hungry and drinking yesterday cheloek may also suffer great pain. but still…[Read more]
replied to the topic Calf tattoo still in pain in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 9 years, 12 months ago
oh. sorry >_< confused answers
I say: According to the description similar to the normal healing. If the picture was tight then these feelings are quite normal
replied to the topic Calf tattoo still in pain in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 9 years, 12 months ago
По описанию похоже на обычное заживление. Если рисунок был плотный то такие ощущения вполне нормальны
replied to the topic what is this lump? in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 9 years, 12 months ago
two weeks tattoo could a little itch
replied to the topic Cover up.. in the forum Inked Skin 9 years, 12 months ago
I like it tattoo 🙂 just i think maybe will add some details on eyes and lips of girl.
replied to the topic tattoo idea?? in the forum Design Requests – Find An Artist 9 years, 12 months ago
But seriously.
What size of tattoo do you want? Which place of your skin you want tattooing? Which style of tattoo you likе? It’s simple questions and help close advance something. But even if these points do not specify what options tattoos can be millions. -
replied to the topic line tattoo meaning in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 9 years, 12 months ago
if it doesn’t logo of something it can mean anything. But it doesn’t matter. Drawing have that mean and sense sense that people want to invest in it.
And people like to put meaning to where it is not. It often happens that people are trying to convince me that this or that my drawing (and line art, and in a different style), there is some very…[Read more] -
replied to the topic Will I insult my tattoo artist??? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
Tattooartist is not your relatives or husband ) I can change him if his style or quality of work unsuitable for your new tattoo. It’s normal and tattooartist won’t be offended.
replied to the topic Suggestions for changing tattoo please in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
It would be better if you cover up all tattoo and not just people. Laser facilitate this work. But if you will found good cover-up master he can do it without laser. It’s impossible if tattooartist will be good 🙂
replied to the topic Who is author of your tattoo's sketch? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
@peterpoose 143037 wrote:
I have used pictures from the net. I try now to give a theme and a few pics of the direction I want and let the artist do the rest 🙂
it’s good to give a theme and pics for direction. my favorite way. immediately clear that you need to draw and what people want in the picture
replied to the topic Who is author of your tattoo's sketch? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
@Call_me_Lola 143028 wrote:
I have two that come from self portrait photos posted on line by a young photographer in Britain. Before using them I was able to contact her and get her permission to have them used. One of the tattoo artists contacted her afterwards to use some of her other photos for painting references.
But I have others based on…
replied to the topic Who is author of your tattoo's sketch? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 10 years ago
@buttwheat 143016 wrote:
I usually give the tattooist the idea or the theme of the tattoo then let them draw it up.
and if you want a tattoo in the style in which he does not draw?or such did not happen?
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