replied to the topic Nose Ring? in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
well about this i’d say instead of the ring, throw like one of those diamond studs in there… just my opinion tho… also fuck what your bf thinks. its your body. bf & gf’s come and go. unless your planning on marrying this guy, than that MIGHT be a different story..
replied to the topic Stretching prices? in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
Of Course In my opinion you shouldn’t keep the taper in for too long as it hangs on one side and can give an uneven stretch. once the taper is in just line up the jewellery to the end of the taper and slowly push the jewellery in while removing the taper.
replied to the topic the taboos of tongue piercings… in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
I can’t answer the question of whether getting this piercing will cause you to become more of a slut, but it will sure make you sound funny. Of those people that I’ve talked to with a tongue piercing, all of them had developed quite a lisssp, and the piercing also regularly clicks against their teeth, creating a clicking and hissing sound combination..
replied to the topic Ok Im sorry but I think this is going too far in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
I think artistic expression needs to be pushed as far as it can go and I respect him for doing just that. Would I do it myself? Nope, not on your life but I think he plays an important role in the free spirit nature of body modification.
replied to the topic Lowest gauge to get pierced at in the forum Pierced Skin 12 years, 11 months ago
Another problem with that jewlery is that it is externally threaded. props for getting your lobes actually pierced with a hollow needle. I was 9 years old and stupid when i pierced mine with a sewing needle. i should slap myself for that one. im paying for it now stretching I’ve got some fun old scar tissue in there.
replied to the topic Hello World 😉 in the forum Introduce Yourself 12 years, 12 months ago
Well I just love this Thread and Actually I’s looking for the same kinda thread so I’ve got it in this Forum I’m so glad and I’m really so thankful to all of you guys that you’ve posted much informative and useful anime..
replied to the topic Best lotion/oil for long term care?? Daily care. in the forum Tattoo Aftercare 12 years, 12 months ago
I just wanted to say that it will simply help keep your skin moisturized so your tattoo looks its best. Many people recommend lotions containing Vitamin E, but the Vitamin E will never reach the dermis and thus does nothing to help preserve your tattoo that’s it..
replied to the topic How can i "thicken" my blood? in the forum General Tattoo Discussion 12 years, 12 months ago
Coffee is blood thickener, although I don’t know in what quantities and time period. Many prescription medicines thin the blood as a side effect. High blood pressure can also cause excessive bleeding along with a lot of exercise just before…
replied to the topic Anyone wax/shave arms? in the forum General Discussion 12 years, 12 months ago
I don’t have super hairy arms, but I love when they feel really smooth. I’ve noticed that when I get my arms waxed, the hair grows back a lot thinner and softer. But the times I’ve shaved them, it grows back the same as it was.
replied to the topic My leg's skin condition. Can i have a tattoo? in the forum Tattoo Questions and Experiences 12 years, 12 months ago
I wouldnt tattoo that shit for a million bucks, I’d get tattooed somewhere else, or see the best dermotologist in town for clearance, inking something that shouldnt be inked can cause some serious shit to happen..