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I know I posted this in another thread…but I saw y’all were talking about face tattoos and thought I’d share a picture of Mr. Bruce Potts – a man who has his whole head tattooed (eyelids included) and who gets to use tons of foundation to cover it up when he goes in for his job as a professor at Arizona State.!/album.php?aid=26539&id=41282624968

if that link doesn’t work I know this one will:


wow that seems a little harsh…. just becuase you don’t understand it or appreciate it, doesn’t make it fucked up. To each their own right?

Sherav;63287 wrote:
Some ppl want to keep it personal and locked away like a painting in their vault, or ink under clothes a only a lover might see.

Others want to flaunt it on their walls and public galleries, or in this case their whole head.

I TOTALLY get what you said. Never thought of it like that! I like the way you explained that.

Not sure what about this man intrigues me so much, I want to find him and talk to him about the motivation behind why he chose to express himself the way he did. My curiousness always gets the best of me; like to know why people do what they do.

Definitely don’t think he’s stupid for doing what he does; to each their own! Plus his uniqueness is what got him cast in the movie, so clearly he wears his ink proud (when he’s not in class)!


As much as the Internet is great for many things – I think getting a live human to check over what a website tells you would be a very good idea.

Have you thought of doing something in Arabic script – much like how Chinese/Japanese used their language as an art form, Arabic is highly artistic. In the Middle East Calligraphy is considered a very esteemed form of art.

Just a suggestion =)


would it be too girly to add cherry blossoms or a bonsai tree – continuing on with the Japanese theme and to add a little bit of color to the otherwise black and grey crane?


agree with everyone else “in memory of” =)


Or you could find a picture of a “slim” mermaid that otherwise embodies what you find attractive (hair, eyes, etc), in the kind of pose you like, and have your artist plump her up.


Haha just telling you what works from experience + medical knowledge. If people are afraid of the pain of waxing (which a lot of people are) a tylenol beforehand will reduce the pain (works for waxing “elsewhere” on the body as well). Just cause it’s not pain to you doesn’t mean it’s not pain for someone else.

As for moisturizing + exfoliating, it does get rid of dead skin cells, and ofcourse speaking from experience only, when my skin is dry, waxing seems so much more painful than when i’m perfectly moisturized.

Just “unofficial” tips – not laws – could be useful to some who may operate the same way I do =) No need to be a professionl to give advice from personal experience!


I’ve seen several animals signify revenge, and I guess since there are no universal ones you may have to pick the animal that represents the concept to you.

In dream analysis – scorpions and poisonous snakes indicate revenge (ofcourse this varies according to which tradition you follow)


I’ll let you guys in on a little secret on how to make your “shave” last longer… the trick is to exfoliate before shaving (so whether you use apricot scrub, a loofah or whatever else) if you do this before shaving it’s garaunteed to give you a closer shave which results in it lasting longer.

No giving me a hard time because I suggested you do something “feminine” like exfoliating, we’re already talking about y’all shaving your arms.

Second, if you do opt to wax instead of shave you’ll have to do that a lot less frequently and over time the hair will get finer and less noticable. Just like with shaving, it’s best you exfoliate before getting waxed (hurts less) plus moisturize (again not having to pulling off dead skin cells reduces the amount of pain you’ll feel) and last bit of advice on waxing, take a tylenol a half hour before =) But i’m sure y’all are tough guys, if you can get a tattoo, waxing should be a breeze

If all of this seems too much you could always try Nair/Veet (hair removal creame) – it stinks but there is no pain.

Hope this helps =)


Thanks for the warm welcome everyone =)

It’s interesting to see the different perspectives and I can totally see what you mean KnightHawk. I can understand that not everything has to be meaningful, sometimes when you look at art, it means absolutely nothing (random scribbles, lines or even something as simple as a lake with water lilies) but the effect that it can have you on is still profound in the way that “good art” goes.

Maybe I’m fickle, but I haven’t found something that has caught my eye and imagination for longer than several months at a time. I’m just waiting for that one thing that inspires me (meaningful or not)

I know sometimes people think of their skin as a canvas, a question I have for all of you then is how much is the tattoo for yourself and how much is it a display of art? (Especially you KnightHawk since you’re the one who has made the distinction between a tattoo being meaningful/art)

Yellowsubgirly3 – you said you knew what symbols you wanted in your tattoo – can I be so curious as to ask which? If you know the general gist of what you want wouldn’t it be a good idea to give those aspects to an artist who’s work you admire, and see what they come up with?


To be fair it is not like the night life like say in Miami but some interesting spots depends what youa re into.

Hey – I know this is way past the point of being relevant but Chicago’s nightlife is quite great and happening, if you’re in the “know.” We have tons of places to go, all types of music genres and even better you get to party until 5 in the morning.

Anyone planning any future Chicago trips, let me know, I can suggest an itinerary that will have you thinking Miami is only great for the weather =) (and to be fair, I go to Miami every year so I know what I’m talking about)


I think for me it would depend on the length of time. If it was just a couple days that I had to pick between shower vs teeth, I’d pick the shower, gargling + some chewing gum would make the absence of toothpaste bareable. Is mouthwash permissible?

But if we’re talking a week or longer I’d have to go with brushing my teeth or else I’d have to go mute. A wet washcloth can take the place of a shower (but then again I’m blessed with under active sweat glands)

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