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Yes it can, that is unnatural light that is bad for your skin in general. Cover your tattoo, you should’t even expose it directly while it’s healing since that can fade it that much faster. Keep it covered from now on, a little bit wont do damage but keep the proccess of your tattoo and even after it’s healed in mind while in the sun or in any kind of UV ray accepting position.


The best bet when you can’t put it together is to talk to an artist first hand. They know how to work ideas together better and can usually get it right on in the first couple tries. You will be extremely happy with the results and it’s easier than you think. There is less embarrassment than most assume there will be to go right to the artist but my artist said he prefers to have people come to him when they can’t figure something out. That way he doesn’t have to rework it work as a good tattoo. The catch with going to an artist is most wont let you take a sketch out of their shop without putting money down on it as a way to maintain their work within their shop.

Either find someone who can draw and take it in to an artist, giving the time needed to find someone who can draw well enough to make it a recognizable tattoo. Or … go to an artist and let them do their job best from the start. I suggest going to an artist instantly and cutting the middle person and possibly a lot of extra work for an artist when you finally get a draw up. You’ve done the hard work now find an artist you trust, pay their price (the more detail and bigger the more it will cost!). Go to the source and if something isn’t right don’t rush, the only reason you’d regret it would be if you rushed and weren’t happy. Going to an artist will improve the odds of always liking it over making them do extra work and changing your mind down the road. This is just my take, I had my artist draw my most recent tattoo because I can’t draw and no one else could. He got it perfect the first time and put his own artistic touches into it making it even better than I expected it to be.


Where ever on your body you feel best suits the portait so that it looks good. We don’t know what you look like so we really can’t answer. A good idea would be taking the picture you want done with you to a parlor and asking an artist where it would work for the size you want. I love the idea, it should be awesome if you do it.


That’s awesome. Tattoos are so individual that unless it looks trashy as in how you act making it trashy then there isn’t anything wrong with it. People just like to judge others. My checks have vintage college girl pin-ups on them, hehe, love them! I also have my sign but the Kanji. Whatever suites your style!


I don’t think less of you. I would be more inclined to ask you what the meaning behind some of your tattoos is because I love tattoos. I have one myself and plans for more. I also have five piercings and plans for more of those as well. It’s a way to personally express yourself. It’s stupid, immature and wrong for people to judge you by your hair, piercings and tattoos. I wont go into details about how they are wrong and should be ashamed like many do. It’s just not my style, instead I suggest that you make the best of it and prove yourself as a good person with body modifications aside. Use the stares and glares as a chance to smile, say hello, have a nice day, generally be nice. And to follow my own suggestion, have a nice day! Rock the body art and mods!

Edit: What color(s) are in your hair, Zombie? I have a fading 🙁 hot pink in mine right now and blond highlights on the top. Thinking about changing the pink to lipstick red and getting the blond redone. I love personal expression like this, an automatic incite to how spunky you are!


Because some girls like it while some don’t. Just as some guys like tattoos on girls and some don’t. It’s a personal thing, you can’t justify will he still be hot because your opinion in someone elses hottness is yours, not theirs. Personally I like how tattoos look when they are good, well thought out, works well together art if in close proximity. Every tattoo is a different as every person is. No matter what, where or who.


Lotion, it solves dry issues about tattoos. The one on my ankle gets dry and gets crackly looking but some basic lotion solves that. Get used to using lotion, it’s not the color or the outlining, it’s the area and weather. Keep your skin moist to avoid this.


Go in and explain it just how you did there. They probably have some flash skulls you can have tweaked or have them draw something up. If you don’t have a picture ask them to try it, they are really good at it. I knew what I wanted drawn up but couldn’t find the style I wanted so when I talked to him he did it perfectly, got the side and position set in the first try. I’m so excited about getting my custom are in a couple weeks, it was worth seeing him in person with my mental idea.

Looks, if done right should be great as long as it is important to you. It’s not our bodies so if you want it go for it. Be willing to pay a higher price for a really good artist though. They have serious skills and turn out breath taking tattoos that scratchers and cheap guys only dream of doing. Pain depends on you but a good rule of thumb is the closer to bone the more it will hurt. Being behind the ear it will be sensetive and unless you already have visible tattoos a lot of artists wont put any on the face, neck or hands. Think about where else you’d want it if the artist you want wont do that. Mine wont so just be aware that it’s possible the artist will advice against going down onto your neck. Take your time, it sounds great just talk to an artist to work out the details!

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