
    @NorCalDan 134696 wrote:

    well don’t do that ! I have had a inner battle with that too as I have gotten older,but in the last year or so and more so recently with getting this tiger on my side,I have begun to release that fear,I see the younger guys with better bods then me,that’s good for them,but this is me,and hell ! I kind of put myself out there in this thread (I know you saw it) ! http://www.thetattooforum.com/got-jess-yen-piece-2-weeks-ago-here-one-my-tattoos-t23153p2.html#post133082 and also at the body art expo when I had it done,shit,my butt and side was hanging out there with no shirt on, on the main isle for 8 hours ! I guess it was a breakthrough of sorts for me ! LOL

    you have a sexy butt, and i am honored to have seen it in person. tee hee


    @yodaddynukka 134727 wrote:

    you have a sexy butt, and i am honored to have seen it in person. tee hee

    rotfl.gif nod.gif



    I’m not even positive that I’ll get my side tattooed at all but there again, I say that now and things can change!


    @Mistress_Of_Pain 134746 wrote:

    I’m not even positive that I’ll get my side tattooed at all but there again, I say that now and things can change!

    I said that same thing for years,but yet here I am with a huge piece on my side ! 😀


    Right now I’m thinking I may get something done on my chest in terms of my next piece. Haven’t quite decided yet 🙂


    Come on Mistress and Grey Cat, just get naked.
    Guys don’t see the flaws. We just see boobs and butts and are all happy.:D


    @Mistress_Of_Pain 134750 wrote:

    Right now I’m thinking I may get something done on my chest in terms of my next piece. Haven’t quite decided yet 🙂

    I think chest pieces are very attractive on women 🙂


    Chest pieces are fun.

    Challenging yourself is also cool. I think a lot of being okay with your body is exposure. I don’t mean sleeping with a lot of people. A lot of situations that call for nudity can embolden without leaving you feeling sexualized. I’m a big proponent of nudist camps and hot springs. You learn not to judge others while not being judged. There’s always a pervert, but they tend to get the boot fast.


    I don’t have anything extravagant planned for my chest, at least not right now. Thinking I’d like to get the quote I have down in my signature tattooed maybe. I know a lot of people have a thing against text and I’m still iffy on it as well. Thought about maybe getting Autumn leaves tattooed on my shoulders, right by my collar bone and have that go into the quote or something..I don’t know yet. I love how they look though. My fiance won’t be to happy bout it i’m sure, he doesn’t want the attention from others drawn there if you know what i mean

    Come on Mistress and Grey Cat, just get naked.
    Guys don’t see the flaws. We just see boobs and butts and are all happy.

    Yea yea, my fiancé is happy enough if he can see boobs. He’s not much of a butt guy like some I’ve known lol


    When Andrea and I got married in 1985 I moved into her second story apartment. It was an old building and we had access to the attic. There was an access door to a large nearly flat roof. I built a deck on it that was hidden by a very large tree. It was awesome. 8 X 12 feet, gas grill, and secluded in a busy neighborhood. At night the night hawks would swoop down getting bugs. We loved having sex up their. day or night it didn’t matter.
    Then, alas, a storm took the tree down, and the deck was then visible. It was a fun summer though.
    Boobs and butts? Boobs I suppose, but I really enjoy giving a woman a nice back rub and foot massage.


    @Mistress_Of_Pain 134793 wrote:

    Yea yea, my fiancé is happy enough if he can see boobs. He’s not much of a butt guy like some I’ve known lol

    when it comes to women,I’m a “everything” guy ! 😀 I love all the parts.

    when I have sex with my wife,I make love to all of her.


    You’re all engaged and married and cute and like “oh but looooooove” and I’m sitting here trying to find a way to reject a friend request from a one night stand that apparently decided to get clingy. Bah, I don’t wanna talk to him. I just wanted to have sex with him. Once. (no, I don’t know why I’m single either!)

    But weight should never be about guys. Caring about what others thought of me gave me anorexia for 9 years and almost killed me. Bad idea. Not giving a shit made me a lot happier! And I quickly realized that people don’t care as much as you think. Not nearly. As long as you’re healthy and happy – why bother? 🙂


    Wow. My ex was right. I don’t care compared to other women. Too bad I’d rather die than apologize.


    I don’t care about what other men think, I just think about myself in terms of my weight really. My fiance doesn’t mind the little extra I have but there again we’ve been together almost 8 years so I know he looks past my flaws.


    @poxphobia 134802 wrote:

    Not giving a shit made me a lot happier! And I quickly realized that people don’t care as much as you think. Not nearly. As long as you’re healthy and happy – why bother? 🙂

    Sounds good to me. No sense getting ulcers over what other people think.

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