come on people keep adding pics don’t be shy 😀 its nice to see who im wasting too much time with LOL
Ok, I don’t do this often………I hate having my picture taken…….so, here’s me with my youngest granddaughter, Kasey, on her and the older granddaughter Kiah’s pony, Fiona.
Great adds everyone. I like seeing my internet friends
Yeah, I’m sexy.
Love. Peace. Metallica.

Yeah, I’m sexy.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
LOL, that is a sweet pic dude. Its like………:cool:
Heh, it’s what happens when you got to NYC with a professional photographer. Dude took fifty-three bizillion pics of me without my knowledge. Now if I could only get the one back he took of me laying naked on the floor so drunk out of my mind I didn’t even know where the fuck I was…..also done in a tasteful black and white.
Love. Peace. Metallica.
Those do tend to turn out best. Your photographer friend is a smart man.
Here’s my nerdy self, taken a few months ago when I decided to cut off most of my hair to go back to my natural hair colour (apart from the fringe). The hair is a bit longer now and I broke the glasses but you get the idea.
Here’s me and hubby before a night out on the turps
How do you make ya pics thumbnails keith….mine are gigantic lol:confused:
I always imagined you as a small guy with thick-rimmed glasses and a moustache, maybe a full beard…
Oh and Izzy, did you do your man’s left arm?
posing at Duloe Stone Circle, Cornwall:)
I always imagined KH as some dude with long dreads for some unknown reason:eek:
Oh and Izzy, did you do your man’s left arm?
Nah ive been fixing it over time…..:)
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