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they’re pretty dang secure, at least the metal ones are (can’t vouch for the plastic or whatever). In fact, I can’t get mine off unless I go to the piercer… perhaps I should invest in some pliers.


Here are two of my favorite beginnings of songs. the first 12 seconds of this Cryptopsy song blow me away every time :p and you’ve got to love Lord Worm on vocals…

well, the other song I was going to post was “Involuntary Slaughter” from Suffocation’s Effigy of the Forgotten, but I couldn’t find any links to it… so find it yourself!


oh, awesome… thank you.


Thanks for your help! how were you able to find these? everywhere i’ve searched for a mountain tattoo has turned up nothing remotely useful.


here is a second draft of what I’m thinking about. I’d like something like this, but with more colors, less detail, less snow, and maybe a bit more zoomed out. perhaps some more forest features in front of the mountain.


you could even use Paint to simply cut out the design you want, make the white background transparent, size it as you want, and drag it over a picture of your body.


lol, so THAT’s why we have two of them…


Metal archives has them as black metal, so i’ll believe it :p


I just don’t think that’s an analogous situation… what you described with the hair would be like if your wife suddenly said “hey, you need to get your tattoos removed by laser ( i made you an appointment), and then we’re going to get flowers over your whole body because I like that.”

A better analogy with the hair would be that, every once in a while, when she visits them, your in-laws ask her to put her hair in a ponytail, because their grandma is dying and they’re afraid the long hair will be unsanitary if it’s not pulled back. Perhaps an unfounded fear, but does it really matter?

-it’s not your wife having the problem, it’s the in-laws.
-nobody is asking you to remove permanently what you have done.
-complying with the request will only be on occasion, not permanent, and will require nothing more than wearing a shirt.

and i get where you’re coming from with how their family is dysfunctional. the point is, it isn’t your place to march in and fix their family. it’s their own problem. when you cover your tattoo in front of grandma, you know that you’re not doing it because YOU’RE afraid of her, or because you care what grandma will think about you, but only because there are some family issues that you don’t really have any business stirring up or butting into. and, I’d say, if she tries to boss you around like the rest of the family, show them a good example by calmly refusing to let that happen… but don’t approach her looking for trouble.

PS – i’m not trying to ignore you on AIM, i just haven’t been around my computer when you’ve been online…


What gauge is the segment ring?
I have 6 gauge segment rings in my ears… for me, the hardest part was getting the piece out, I’m surprised the hard part is putting it back in for you. I don’t know how ordinary pliers would really help — unless I’m misinterpreting the question, it seems like the ring is already too small for the segment — so I would suggest finding a way to stretch out the ring a little bit. Other than that, with mine, I just put one end of the segment into its hole, with the other end still out a bit, and squeezed it with the ring until it popped in.

KnightHawk;35557 wrote:
Once again, because you’re an adult, and you love your wife. Quit whining already, you sound like you’re twelve.

Love. Peace. Metallica.

Agreed… I think if you really wanted that question answered, you’d just read all the posts in this thread!


my earrings are at 6 (i have segment rings in). I haven’t taken these ones out in at least a year, so now that they’re totally seasoned at this gauge I’m not sure how fast they’d close up… i had a second piercing on each lobe at 6 gauge once, but I took those out and they closed right up; however, i didn’t have those in as long.

I did all my gauging myself without any problems. I bought 2 tapers, one that goes to maybe 10, and one that goes to 6. starting from about 14g I went straight to 10 and then to 6, but when i gauged them, I would be very gentle with the taper… push it in until it feels like it’s stretching, and then set the rubber stopper thing at that level for a couple hours/overnight, and then when that felt good stretch it some more, etc.
I’m not claiming that my way is a good idea, or that it would work for you, but it’s what i did.


Nice, man. I don’t usually go out of my way to pay a lot of money for rare albums but I definitely get that.

This is unrelated, but… has anyone heard of Portal? the most CREEPY music ever… 1:30 to 2:15 here is a good example of what I mean.


How does putting on a shirt change who you are? Is your identity so wrapped up in some ink on your skin that if you cover it, you will lose your identity? Isn’t that kind of sad – shouldn’t your identity come from who you are on the inside?
I think you’re being really selfish to insist your way on this. It just seems so weak, “ohh the world is out to get me, I’m so persecuted for my tattoos, my inlaws don’t APPROVE of me what am I going to do?” Did you really think you could get tattoos without some people feeling uneasy about it, and do you really expect everyone else to change just to make you comfortable? I think a real man will make sacrifices to keep a good relationship with the inlaws, just for the sake of his wife and her sanity, not throw a pissy fit because he feels like some people don’t accept him 100%.

When I was dating my wife (girlfriend at the time), about 4 months into it her parents sat us down and told us that they don’t like how our relationship is going, that they think i’m a bad influence on her, that we’re too young, etc. and I think part of that was because I had long hair and earrings… but I had done nothing remotely hurtful to their daughter. Of course I was mad, and my relationship with them hasn’t always been awesome, but I tried to help them overcome their fears of me as much as possible rather than give up and hate them forever. And there have been more incidents along the way, but overall we all have a peaceful relationship now, and it’s not something we have to worry about. Not to say that I acted perfectly, because some of it was surely my fault.

Anyway, I know I’m new here and I’m being kind of harsh, so I apologize for that, but if we’re all about freedom of expression I might as well start now.


it’s a bit too “core” for me, but yeah

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