
    I’m getting my first tattoo and am undecided about the location for where i want to put it.

    Is there software or programs out there where you can play with placing tattoos designs on a digital picture of yourself. This seems like a good way to do see how a tattoo will look on your body before i go and waste anyones time in the tattoo shop.

    With today’s technology, i would have thought this would be pretty common but havent stumbled across anything yet in my searching

    If anyone knows about something like this, i would love to hear about it.



    I do that with photoshop! In fact, what I have isn’t even photoshop, it’s photostudio – a free, shitty version of a photoshop type program with about a tenth of the features! Do you have any software like that?


    For a slightly more analog look, you could always Sharpie on a tattoo idea, see how it looks. If you don’t like it, shower it off and try again!


    no i dont have photoshop but i guess you can download it for free. i have never used it before. can you just draw in the tattoo with the software?



    You can cut the image and insert it onto a photo of your body it is not so hard if you do not want a professional piece, but just an idea of how it looks.

    Alternatively you can buy tattoo transfer paper trace it and stick on the body and see how outline looks and wash off.

    Take Care


    Oh yeah Matthew makes a good point. I have bought this before – http://www.craftycomputerpaper.co.uk (British site but you can buy in America and Europe, but I’m sure you can get it elsewhere anyway) – when I was unsure about how something would look. (if you click on tattoo papers or something down the left hand menu) – that isn’t the transfers that tattooists use, I’m not sure where you’d get that from but sure it wouldn’t be too hard – but this stuff you literally just print out the image (in reverse) in whatever colour and size and after a bit of faffing about and allowing the ink to dry, sticking it to your skin. You can see the plastic film quite clearly underneath it lol but it gives you the gist. If you get some of that though, I recommend printing out as many of one design as you can on one page (copy and paste into Word or something) as its quite pricey per bit of paper!


    That paper soudns like a pretty good idea. I will def check that out.

    In regards to the photoshop software, where should i go to download a free version of it?


    you could even use Paint to simply cut out the design you want, make the white background transparent, size it as you want, and drag it over a picture of your body.

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