
    I’m considering getting some kind of a mountain scene tattooed on my back. This picture is just to get a feel of the general size, shape, and placement… I’d like for it to have more detail, and some colors. I’m having a hard time finding pictures of anyone with a mountain tattoo, does anyone even do that?


    Also, my wife is finishing up her 14-year swimming career, and wants to get some kind of commemorative tattoo, of a swimmer, but can’t find any good ideas… any help with that one?



    hi joe,
    well the initial back piece is tattooable with no problem at all, and to be honnest i havent seen many pieces like it, you might be lucky if searching somewhere like deviantart website, but if you take a photo or a printout to your artist then he/she will be able to draw it up as a tattooable piece for you.

    as for the swimming design , how about an image of a swimmers head and shoulders breaking the water as if taking a swimming stroke, water slashig up and around the head and in the background you can see the starting block, this would give the appearance of the swimmer just breaking the water from diving in at the start of a race…. with the right artist it could be with your wifes upper facail features on the swimmer…
    its just a quick thought ?


    Thanks for your reply.
    Yeah, I have a few photos that are the general idea of what kind of scene I want (like this: http://pic.templetons.com/brad/photo/oregon/cascade1/006.jpg , not necessarily the orchard in the front, but that style of mountain). Also I have a friend who’s a great artist who has always drawn scenes like that, so I’ll ask him to draw me up an idea or two, and also talk to the tattoo artist. I think it would be cool because it would be good on its own, or later on i could add more scenery in the foreground and make a cohesive piece of art.

    Good idea for the swimmer. I don’ think she wants something as detailed as facial features, she’d prefer something slightly more symbolic, but that’s a good idea about breaking the water after diving from the starting blocks, we hadn’t thought of that.


    here is a second draft of what I’m thinking about. I’d like something like this, but with more colors, less detail, less snow, and maybe a bit more zoomed out. perhaps some more forest features in front of the mountain.



    Thanks for your help! how were you able to find these? everywhere i’ve searched for a mountain tattoo has turned up nothing remotely useful.


    No probs! Even though deviantart.com is a general art website, not specific to tattoos, I actually find it’s one of the best sites for tattoo inspiration. I don’t get on so well with google images or ratemyink or bmeink and the rest, deviantart is easier to search for what you want and almost always has some results even for the most obscure things! For future reference anything else you want to look up – go to http://www.deviantart.com – type in the search bar whatever you’re looking for (don’t put ‘tattoo’ on the end, so if you’re looking for mountains just type in ‘mountain’) – this will bring up a load of general artwork involving mountains, then down the left hand menu you’ll see the categories – click ‘traditional art’ then ‘body art’ then ‘tattoos’ – and hey presto you have all your results for tattoos of whatever you’re searching for. And a tip – as the search is based on whatever the artist’s keywords are – try searching for plurals or alternative spellings if there are any, as these bring up a heap of different results. You could try searching for ‘mountains’ because those results were just from ‘mountain’. For example I realised the other day when searching for something with a British spelling of a word, if I looked up the American spelling it brought up hundred of extra results.


    oh, awesome… thank you.

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