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keep trying!!! most of these people are dicks.look up mario barth.any books or videos by or about him.he shares what he knows with anyone .


Maybe you should try helping someone out once in a while.For all you know,this guy could turn out to be great.Unfortunatley thanks to people like you he will never even get a chance to learn the right way.Did it ever occur to you that the way to eliminate scratchers is to educate them.


I watched the first 5 minutes,felt ill and changed the chanel.ive been trying for years to get an aprenticeship and these clowns are tattooing in one day.No chance you’ll ever see any of those people in a shop!


Who cares if some guy at subway has shitty tattoos?why would you let that get you worked up?if the guy is proud of his tattoos,good for him.I’ve paid professionals and I’ve also been tattooed by ameteurs just trying to learn.i get tattooed because a love the art form and also the process.If you’re out there getting tattooed as a status symbol or you feel the need to keep a running tab on how much you’ve spent,you’re in it for the wrong reason!


Most tattoo artists apriciate it when you bring refrence matrial,but most will want to put their own spin or style on one wants to copy a tattoo but in a buisnes like this sometimes you cant avoid it.the clients want what they want and as long as they are stoked about the tat so am i.

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