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I’ve already been thinking of little ways to tweak it, but anything I do will be my decision don’t worry kittykat 😉 We did the clouds that way bc I didn’t want to have to touch up wispy grayish clouds for the rest of my life, bc I didn’t want to use white.

And yeah, not my first piece but I think it’s my best so far. Maybe I’ll post pics of the Zizzer-Zazzer-Zuzz later, or I guess they’re just in my albums to view at your leisure.


I agree with kittykat. Even though we’ve been together for 8 years (married for 3) I wouldn’t do it. The immediate reason being that yes, shit happens like kat said. But I personally would rather get something that symbolizes us, and our time together, than just his name. I’ve been trying to think of a tattoo like this for myself for awhile, it’s just hard to narrow it down to an image or idea that gets ‘us’ as a whole. However, if you do decide to go with his name, find an artist who can freehand letters instead of picking a font style, it’ll be that much more personal 🙂


I always try to plan ahead with my work schedule, and the rest of my life either goes on hold/revolves around protecting the new spot. I’m a waitress/bartender so I like get about 3 days off from work. And for those three days nothing covers the new ink at all, except a soft cotton tshirt (or pants depending location) when I sleep. I am currently living in tube tops/going topless around the house bc of the recent coloring. Other than that I just wash it 2-3 times a day and then put Lubriderm on it, for about a week. Although this time the Lubriderm feels like fire, which is a first, so I’m thinking of switching. Aveeno has been suggested.


Hi guys, I haven’t been scared off yet. 😉
My first reply was a tad defensive, I apologize. You guys are right though, I did ask and I received honest answers, which I’m not upset about at all. Most people that have seen it know nothing about the original piece of work itself, so maybe I was defending that a little more than I was the actual ink?
This piece still has a little ways to go. Buttwheat, you are right. I should’ve listened to my husband and waited for either A) him to take a better pic or B)for it to heal a little. Those pics really don’t do it justice, and yes I know that better pics wont make it a better tattoo. Wardy, I was not (trying) to argue with Mrchen. There is no reason to argue.
So where do we go from here? I will post a pic in a day or two after it heals a little more. The hat will still be touched up darker and Buttwheat I agree the clouds do need an extra something. But overall I’m happy with it. I wish the shop I went to had a website, but they’re only on FaceBook, or else I’d have you guys look at the rest of his work.


Mrchen, I’ve already done all that. I’m not entirely new to the idea of ‘doing my homework’. I’m beginning to think most of the miscommunication and hurt feelings on here comes from personal preference more than lack of artist ability. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some bad ones on here, but I’ve also seen some really good work that no one seems to like. I’ve seen two pieces by the same artist and thought one was brilliant and the other crap.

I’m an art history major. This is based on a Surrealist painting, so yes the clouds may look odd. However, the apple is pretty much spot on from Magritte’s. If you want to tell Magritte that you have a problem with his apple and leaves being the same color, go for it. The hat is not crooked, not poorly drawn and is also not finished. The color does not touch the apple for reasons of balance. If the blue touched the green of the apple, it would diminish the detail of the leaves and make the top half of the apple appear smaller. The lower half of the apple has more surface area (so it already appears to stand out more) and the gray bricks are not as dark as the water/sky. So long story short if the color touched the apple it wouldn’t stand out as much.
The original painting is called The Son of Man. Have you googled it yet?


Thanks guys.
And I knew it wouldn’t be long before you guys would criticize the crap out of it.
Mrchen, (or ‘the guys’) can you please tell me why explain to me why my artists’ phalanges are in danger? I really do want to know, because I have quite a few artistic pieces planned.

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