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My first tattoo was the one for my little girl. It’s in my album – the one with the little girl with butterfly wings. I don’t know how to post a picture in a post….sorry!


Sweet – I too am planning on getting a tattoo done to commemorate when I graduate from college. I just started this year, and I’ll be 30 in January.

Congratulations on grad school, and I love that ink!


Hot! I like these tattoos….


hmmm….why can’t i see anything?


Um…can’t see any pictures here….


this is going to be a great tattoo – i also love the idea of the light coming down…probably should make this a back piece, right?


I just looked again, and I see there is a treble clef already there…it’s just on the wrong end of the score. But it looks awesome!

😀 :rolleyes: 🙂


Hey! Thanks so much for that, SkinDeep! It is a great start – the only thing I would change would be for the cross to be a bit more stylistic, more feminine, along with the heart. I love the fact that the music notes are on an actual score – I would probably like to add a Treble clef somewhere.

You’re awesome – and I would love input from others on placement. I already have one on both legs, on the outside, right above my ankle. I have a dragon on my right arm. I thought about doing this one on my breast area – kind of smallish, and right along my bra line, at the top. I wouldn’t put any other tattoo there – this one is close to my heart, so I thought this would be a good place.

What do you think?


well, there are several on tattoojohnny, under motorcycles. But they don’t look like this one, exactly….

sorry I couldn’t be of more help


I really like the design of the pic you posted…that would be a sweet tat….


That “void” stamp is hilarious….

I’m glad I never put a man’s name on me….I have my children’s names on me.

It’s kind of funny, cause I wonder how my ex is going to cover my name up….LOL. He got my name tattooed on his chest, right over his heart. It’s wicked ugly, and very big. I laugh everytime I think about him having to explain that one to someone.

Especially since he got it while he was in jail, and didn’t know it at the time, but I was already thinking about how to break up with him. Then he showed me that ridiculous tattoo…ugh.

Advice – never, ever tattoo a name on your body unless that person is a PART of you (like a parent, or a child)


nice like the schools suck, racism is rampant, and government is completely corrupt. Oh, did I mention the schools suck? And there are no decent men here, either….LOL..

Except my tattoo artist, but he’s married, damn it!


Oh I live in greenwood, MS. I wouldn’t recommend this town to even my worst enemy. I’m actually moving back to Lexington, South Carolina in mid-February.

I’ve heard Biloxi is nice though….anywhere down on the coast or in upper Mississippi. Greenwood is in the Delta, and is NOT nice.


You know, that’s a good point – when i got my dragon done on my upper arm, he didn’t shave it first. should he have? cause sometimes i wonder if the little hairs didn’t interfere with the design??


I love these pieces – especially the back piece. I am always interested in seeing tattoos showing one’s faith – it’s even better than a hokey t-shirt!

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