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Nice work, job well done, anything else planned or is that your lot for now ?


Nice one –looks good:)

Azure;35418 wrote:
Oooh you’re on very thin ice bigbud 😉

Epidural anesthesia when your havin a tattoo —Id sign up for that LMFAO 🙂


IMHO you will not get value for money —8 hours for the sudo tribal piece you put up nah —save up get a GOOD design and pay for it you wont regret the cost half as much as you would if you payed £560 for a bad piece—just my two cents worth as for the pain well maybe it will and maybe it wont hurt everyone handles pain differetly—Id geared myself up to thinking it was gonna be real bad and when it came down to it it wasnt as bad as Id expected –yes it hurt in some places more than others but was pleased with how I handled it —sometimes its the fear of the unknown that is worse than the reality so yes its not a race –get the outline of your final chosen design done in one sitting—leave a few weeks and have another session for the fill in/shading and carry on like that till its job done


Read the little quote at the bottom of Izas posts —Do it once Do it right —-

You know what you want (the wings) just make sure the final design does you thoughts justice after all its with you for a long long time to come:) Pain –could be you will sit and not feal anything so you may not need the cream – but its a option /gamble and your choice at the end of the day —as you say they would prefer you to sit still than squirm arround all over the place:)


Looks a bit of a come down from what you first wanted (IMHO), make sure your going to be happy with this design plaster pictures of it all over the place where you can see it ofton and if after a couple of weeks your still loveing it then all is good after all although once its on you you are not going to see it much others will 🙂


Nice work, very nice

whoji;34635 wrote:
So if its “being done for you” why do you feel the need to display your back on the internet asking for comments?

Or did you just want comments that stroked your ego?

ALl coments are welcome LMFAO —I would respect your opinion more if I thought it was offered as well meaning advice and not just childish spite because we had a difference of opinion elsewhere on the forum

.Whilst I and anyone else can see the flaws in this yet to be completed piece (that’s why its called WIP-Work In Progress) most are generous enough to see the potential and offer encouragement you on the other hand seem to have made it your prime mission in life to knock it at every turn which is your right as a member of the forum even though you don’t know the first thing about the background of this tattoo —the story behind it what each piece means to me or how it will be tied together in the end .

Sherav;34638 wrote:

I like the concept of a dragon holding the universe in their claws, first time I have seen that style of design.
I am hoping to start my backpiece at end of march/mid-april – mine is also japanese inspired.

As it is WIP have you considered a band of cherry blossoms along the shoulder blades (just under the tribal), thought it might link the piece in better.

Can’t wait to see how the finished product comes out.


Cherry blosum and wind bars are all down on the final list along maybe with some masks (yet to be decided):) as fill ins to link to the side pieces that are on the cards

whoji;34616 wrote:
Poor design, poorly executed by a substandard artist. The whole design lack originality and imagination. There is a distinct lack of skill in both the line work (shaky and crowded in places) and color. The artist neglected to use shading and color to bring animation and life to the pieces. This not a back piece as there is no flow or link to each design,.
Overall an mediocre, uninspiring and unimaginative piece of work. If you compare this to any back piece in any Tattoo magazine in your local newsagent you will see the comparison. And if you see a major difference the question you must ask yourself is why, in this day and age, would you settle for anything else?

Thanks for your input, I now feel so ashamed I may never take my shirt of in public again excuse me whilst I slip away into a corner and slash my wrists LOL:p


I can continue and get it completed which seams a much better choice to me and maybe one day you might even see something you like about it, not that it matters much to me as it is being done for me not you or a mainstream tattoo magazine LOL


Sorry Matthew you are right

whoji;34601 wrote:
Opinions are fine but by continuing to encourage you are also breaking forum rules.
Yet another of your ilformed and illeducated choice.

Didnt judge your education by your tattoos, just your undestanding and knowledge of tattoos – read again.

Your education is judge by your response to this issue.

This you should read:

My Bad I broke the rules as indeed has every one else who has responded to this post (including yourself)

“.Your education is judge by your response to this issue.”—suggest you do some spell checking before you question MY education

whoji;34599 wrote:
Sounds fine, just proven your as illeducated and unwise as the dangerous OP. But i can see by your tattoos you dont really know anything about tattooing. Very poor standard of work.
Family man are you? What would you say if a menber of your family got some horrible infection from some idiot like this.
Again stop encouraging the ileagal and exceptionally dangerous practice of scratching.

Then go back to get some education, you thick FUC k.

ROFLMAO Didn’t realize you could tell the standard of a persons education by the tattoos they had what part of WIP don’t you understand. As for the other comments I at no time disagreed with what was being said just the way it was being said but don’t let that get in your way after all this subject has attracted more than 50% of your postings on here

OK lets look at this another way, not everyone can get a apprenticeship so they have to start somewhere be it a converted room, bedroom, kitchen or garden shed. Not ideal to say the least but providing they take the advise of people like Iza and Outlaw BEFORE they start on a human subject (including themselves )then maybe just maybe they will get away with it, Surely it would have been better to give the advise in a way that would be taken on board than alienate someone and they go away and carry on regardless surely it should be about education and encouragement and not discrimination because they got carried away with enthusiasm for the project of starting out in the tattoo world.

Then if after all that has been tried and if the person still doesn’t want to listen or follow the sound advise of other more experienced people then fine hang draw and quarter them and I will be at the front of the line until that happens I will continue to try and be the Colt 45

whoji;34590 wrote:
Not looking down on newbies – just a scratcher in the making.

Please stop condoning and encouraging it. Its wrong.

Was that remark about condoning it aimed at me —? if so how does go play with yourself sound, I am entitled to my opinion same as every one else, all I see is a newbie who has gone about things the wrong way —nothing that cant be sorted or corrected


I know Iza and Outlaw from other Forums and they are GOOD people, always willing to pass on help and advise from setting up Irons to the best needles and inks to use and what techniques are best for getting a particular result for those that are wanting it and have the right approach ie start with Safety and build from there.

The written word can be misinterpreted very easily on forums and things can get out of hand leading to flame wars which is why I hope this can now be put aside and a fresh start made. Chose the way you word things and think “how would I feel if I was on the receiving end of that statement” for example-you made a comment about looking down on Newbie’s —don’t think it was a case of anyone looking down on you more a case of this is what gives the business a bad name stomp on it quickly approach –Tuff Love as some would say.

Anyway wish you well both with your pregnancy and your forwarding your ambition to be a tattoo artist learning the latter will take a lot longer than the former 🙂

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