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I would keep putting ointment on your tat as much as possible. It probably has scabbed over quicker because its in an area that has a wide range of motion.. not so stationary as the rest of your back.

Keep the ointment on there, and don’t worry about the scabbing, that’s normal. Just make sure it doesn’t turn into an infection. I don’t think you will ruin anything by turning your head and what not throughout the day, but your tattoo artist will better prepare you for that than I can.

My best advice is to keep the ointment on there and try to keep your shirt off of it for a few days.. Use gauze if you have to.. its cotton and it’ll breath still without the rubbing.


I’ve got a few tattoos..and I will tell you one thing..

The one tattoo I had on my ankle was covered by a bigger tattoo that I now don’t want. Whatever you do, don’t just walk into your local tattoo place and say.. “what ya got?!!” and get one.. think about it. But do go in and ask what colors you can use to cover up the green. If I’m not mistaken, green is a hard color to cover up easily. So at least, go in and find out what colors you are able to work with for your new tattoo.

Good luck!!

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