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^ ^ ^ smh @ you trying to go hard on the internet, prolly never been to new york (let alone the east coast) in your whole life

well you answered the question yourself “I always noticed the difference in styles” thats all it is; a difference in styles………west coast music has more bass, that atmoshere is more laid back. east coast music tends to be more lyrically complex with more fastpace lifestyle, i wouldnt know how to describe the south right now, but the midwest is like a mix of all 3 places with its own unique style.

LOL yea Im the Notorious H.N.I.C. (its a shame you had to read about me in a hate thread but its all good), hope you didnt get a bad impression lol


-someone who progressively grows throughout their career
-shows versatility with the subject matters in their songs
-can tell their life through their music, yet stay humble at the same time.
-honors those who came before them….respect
-let your music speak for itself
-can reach out to people with music
-leaves their footprint in the game (meaning their music, and the impact they have on rap/hip hop will be remembered years later)
-last but not least, skills on the mic…..strong lyrical range/abilities, critcally acclaimed albums, overall impact, longevity, should be able to write your own material, and consistent flow…also you should be somewhat orignal with your flow, dont be a swagger jacker


benevolence came up with the idea, so we’re trynna execute the plan….


im sure you can bring a phone, camera, things like that, they’ll check bags and everything upon entrance…….anything you take to another concert you can take to Rock the Bells


sounds like a personal problem to me……first of all, you didnt even ask a question……..second, good you vented all your anger, do you want a cookie? third, what makes you think opinion counts for somethin? let us listen to our “shitty” music and you listen to your rock/metal, or w/e music you like, its obvious you dont know what you’re talkin about, i dont think your elementary style insults will effect anyone here.

for everyone who chooses to respond to this ignorance, dont do so with the same ignorance he displays, you can tell by reading his statements that he’s either starving for attention, or just has way too much time on his hands..maybe its a possibility of both.


i was just about to post a question regarding this same topic, and i couldnt agree with you more….people come in this section BITCHIN non-stop, all rap says this, all rap says that, STFU…stop basing your so called knowledge on what you see on tv everyday or what you hear on the radio…if you dont like it dont listen to it.


Stillmatic, The Blueprint, God’s Son, and The Fix are the most complete albums i’ve heard since the Chronic 2001.


i agree, but i think the difference is today you dont have a younger generation of the biggies, the nas’, the wu-tangs, the redmans….. everyone wants to be a hustla today.

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