
    that the people from the rock forum get annoying when they put rap or rock in the rap or hip hop forum and they think rock is the best and that rap sucks but they never really know what real rap is cuz they r so retarded cuz they watch mtv or the radio and they never heard of underground rap if they have a problem then they should stay on their own forum and talk about their music


    you sound like just another rapper whos jealous of rock cos its actually music

    whereas rap is just beats and samples (often from rock)

    puff daddy is so lame, he couldnt even write his own song when his best friend died – he stole a rock song lol

    his best friend died ffs!

    that tells you all you need to know abour rap ‘music’



    benevolence came up with the idea, so we’re trynna execute the plan….


    Its true, people used to think Rock ‘N’ Roll was Noise Pollution, now people say the same thing about Hip-Hop. However, the old saying for rock can be used for rap because “Corporate Rock Sucks” and so does Corporate Rap

    Katie B

    yea the people that do that are just ignorant.. and jealous lol

    juan t

    i agree with u 100%

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