    dizzi;1926 wrote:
    …heard they get fussy? now the thing is i wont be 18 at that time can i still get them done even tho im her legal gardian?

    Yeah..um..why do you want to get your childs ears pierced in the first place? I think it looks so tacky when I see mothers walking in the street with their young babies with studs in their ears. It causes stress to the baby and you never know, the pain may mean they cant sleep very well, and that means you’ll be staying up more aswell. Leave her ears alone and let her make the decision when she can.


    While 6 months may be to young I really am a little suprissed at how this forum has attacked this person over this. The percentage of girls 10+ and especially in highschool is so high that getting ears pierced young isn’t this huge of a deal in my honest opinion. I personally can’t remember any of my early childhood and any girl who had their ears pierced young has told me they are glad to have had it done early. Most teens who want pierced ears and never got them done hesitate only because of the pain and some have huge anxieties over it. Also there has been some studies showing that piercings below the age of 11 reduce the risk of developing keloids from the piercing as well.

    I personally think 6 months is a bit to extreme but also lets not burn the witch here.


    As a general thought, when we speak of piercings in this community we are talking about some sort of gauge. I don’t really consider anything done smaller than a 16 gauge in the realm of what we speak about as it’s virtually unheard of. I would assume that you would end up with a “standard” (roughly like a 20 or 22 gauge) gauge stud in which the person who pierces is more than likely going to use a piercing gun .

    ANYONE who uses a piercing gun is not a professional in my opinion. Any professional who is willing to pierce a six month old child is not a professional in my standards either (let alone at a bigger than “standard” gauge). The only way I would allow my child to be pierced would be by a professional piercer regardless of the piercing.

    That being said I would say to wait.

    If you do it doesn’t make you any less of a parent and any more or less of a moron. What is important is that you care for the child and give her a life that she can be comfortable in. My sister was between her junior and senior year when she had my niece, she has gone to college, got her degree and now is an RN. Do right by your child and don’t concern yourself with piercings and such but focus on the life you can/should bring her into.

    p.s. The people who are flipping shit are fucking idiots and you guys need to calm the fuck down lol.


    Wait until she is old enough to make her own decision about this. Especially if you are in America as she may sue you later!!!!! You wouldn’t get her tattooed at 6 months old would you? So why piercings? Its not your decision or ‘fashion statement’ to make. Get her a cute outfit to wear instead….


    I know this is an old post but just saw it and couldn’t help adding my 2pence…

    Those of you saying the people moaning about it are talking shit – have you ever had a baby, and taken that baby to get his/her immunisations?

    If not, you have no place to comment, go somewhere and talk about something you know about. I wouldn’t tell people how to treat their parrots, cause i’ve never had a fucking parrot.

    If you have, then where is your heart? Having seen the little person you love most in the world scream in pain and fear at having a needle stuck in them, knowing they were so cheerful and naive moments before it happened, not knowing what was coming. It won’t sound like much to non-parents but it is just the most heart breaking thing in the world. The only thing that has got me through my 1 year old’s many various injections so far is the knowledge that they’re for his health, and that he’d be screaming a whole lot more if he got the illness he was being immunised instead.

    Yeah, i know ear piercing isn’t the worst form of mutilation in the world, it isn’t even the worst form of parenting in the world. But it’s selfish, tacky and pointless. If you’ve sat and held a baby being given an injection, you’ll know what I’m talking about. How someone can do that for fashion to their own kid is beyond me. Seriously, what is the point, other than for your own pleasure and preferences? Get your damn priorities straight. That’s your daughter, if you wanted a fucking dolly you shouldn’t have gotten pregnant. Pierce your own ears if you think it looks nice – leave your poor daughter to make her own choices in life.


    Also, I’ll just add…
    Why do you want to change her anyway?
    Do you not think she’s perfect as she is? You really need to alter your daughter to make her a bit better?
    “Mommy, why did you pierce my ears?”
    “Because you weren’t pretty enough before, honey”
    Do you put make-up on her too? Maybe I’m being a bit extreme… but then sticking metal through the flesh of an innocent baby is extreme in my humble opinion too!


    dumb idea, my mother got mine pierced when i was 5, one of my earings got ripped out when taking a jersey off, ended up having 7 stitches in it as it was just a flap. Stupid idea in my opinion, your baby wont give a shit if shes got her ears pierced or not.

    Izarrasink;33708 wrote:
    dumb idea, my mother got mine pierced when i was 5, one of my earings got ripped out when taking a jersey off, ended up having 7 stitches in it as it was just a flap. Stupid idea in my opinion, your baby wont give a shit if shes got her ears pierced or not.

    Ouch!!! That made me wince!!

    Good point though – I don’t wear lobe earrings myself any more because my son goes for ANYTHING like that and tries to yank it, even studs, and I know if he had his own it’d only be a matter of time!

    But yeah, no harm in risking it though, fashion comes before safety with kids after all :rolleyes: (if baby ear piercing is fashionable that is… i think it looks naff!)


    both my sons have just decided they want their ears pierced, they have requested some stretches or ones like daddies lol i am curoius as to whether that is too young and as one of the previous posters mentioned what gauge would you put in a childs ears?


    If you get your kids ears pierced over here your a chav. The lowest of the loooooow.

    How old are the lads?


    i think they should bring out a law that makes it illegal to perform body mods including ear piercing to people under the age if 18

    just my 2 pennies worth, and i know some will disagree

    Outlaw;36789 wrote:
    i think they should bring out a law that makes it illegal to perform body mods including ear piercing to people under the age if 18

    just my 2 pennies worth, and i know some will disagree

    All body mods are illegal over here for under 18’s……except ear piercing, though i should think that stretching would be frowned on. Most tattoo palours here wont tattoo underage kids even with their parents permission or precence.
    have heard though that it is easier to get your babies ears pierced at younger than 18 months, my opinion? I wouldnt do it, maybe when they older they wouldnt want pierced ears, and if the choice was left up to them they would never have had it done!
    If its not your own body……leave it alone i say…..just my opinion:rolleyes:

    batp;36738 wrote:
    both my sons have just decided they want their ears pierced, they have requested some stretches or ones like daddies lol i am curoius as to whether that is too young and as one of the previous posters mentioned what gauge would you put in a childs ears?

    How old are your boys?
    I’m asking this to see if I even agree whether you should get them pierced or not.
    The fact that you would even consider letting your kids stretch their ears is ridiculous. I can’t wait to hear how old they are just to see what level of ridiclous it is.
    If you let them have them pierced, buy them some fake plug earrings.

    Outlaw;36789 wrote:
    i think they should bring out a law that makes it illegal to perform body mods including ear piercing to people under the age if 18

    just my 2 pennies worth, and i know some will disagree

    Great idea although I would personally have no problem with a clause in the law saying ear piercing is okay on perhaps 14+ year olds, although if idiot parents out there are letting their young kids stretch their ears then perhaps it might be an idea to stick the 18+ ban on ear piercings too. I just cannot believe that in this day and age, where just about everything of any controversy is banned, it is still legal for some shallow trashy mum to walk into a shop with her baby and have those ears pierced. It’s absolutely disgusting.

    Azure;36911 wrote:
    How old are your boys?
    I’m asking this to see if I even agree whether you should get them pierced or not.
    The fact that you would even consider letting your kids stretch their ears is ridiculous. I can’t wait to hear how old they are just to see what level of ridiclous it is.
    If you let them have them pierced, buy them some fake plug earrings.

    Great idea although I would personally have no problem with a clause in the law saying ear piercing is okay on perhaps 14+ year olds, although if idiot parents out there are letting their young kids stretch their ears then perhaps it might be an idea to stick the 18+ ban on ear piercings too. I just cannot believe that in this day and age, where just about everything of any controversy is banned, it is still legal for some shallow trashy mum to walk into a shop with her baby and have those ears pierced. It’s absolutely disgusting.


    dizzi;1926 wrote:
    …heard they get fussy? now the thing is i wont be 18 at that time can i still get them done even tho im her legal gardian?

    😮 Heard they get fussy??!!!! MAYBE BECAUSE IT HURTS THEM???
    Don’t you think young girls(let alone babies) are sexualised quite early enough in this day and age?
    Obviously this is for your benefit not your babies,honest opinion dizzi-Grow up:mad:

    SallyMac;39447 wrote:
    😮 Heard they get fussy??!!!! MAYBE BECAUSE IT HURTS THEM???
    Don’t you think young girls(let alone babies) are sexualised quite early enough in this day and age?
    Obviously this is for your benefit not your babies,honest opinion dizzi-Grow up:mad:

    I don’t want to be harsh about young mums, I had my son at 19 and am a good mum and I know plenty even younger who are doing a fine job. But maybe the initial post here is an examaple of why in *some* cases kids shouldn’t be entrusted with bringing up kids of their own.

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