
I have created a design of a maple leaf and my kids names that i was planning on getting put on on the underside of my forearm. I was thinking of having it so that it was readable to me when I look at it, but after visiting a tattoisdt today he said it would look ugly and should be the other way around so others can read it otherwise it will look like it is upside down. He also claimed it is easier for him to do it his way. What is the general consensus for placement of tattoos on this part of the arm?



the maple leaf has got to be inked with the tip toward your armpit and the stem downward,,,,,,,,


why do you say that?


when you have your arm down wrist is the bottom your elbow is the top. This is the position your arm is going to be in most of the time. if you put it so you can read it it will be upside down most of the time unless you stand around with your arm up all the time.


I see your point, but then when I go to read it, it will be upside down


You will already know what it says.


yea definately the way the artist suggested because of the fact that a tattoo that is in view for people to see they will always think its upside down. and you will always know what it says and after a while you wont be looking at your tattoo all the time or reading everyday.


My most recent tattoo is situated so that when others look at it, it’s right side up. It would look ridiculous if I had it so that I could see it right up. It’s on the inside of my forearm. You will KNOW what it says; if you want to see it right side up, take a picture of it so you can look at it whenever you want.


interesting thoughts from evryone still not convinced though. i don’t walk with my forearms facing outwards so that to me is a non issue about it looking upside down. the other thing is the tat is a reminder of my children so when i look at it when i drive or at my desk i can see it properly. i’m not getting it for others to look at whilst walking down the street, but i do get everyones point about it looking upside down, but again the insides of my forearms are against my body not facing outwards so it wouldn’t be that noticeable. i’m going to see what it looks like turned 90 degrees to see if that looks ok


I agree with the others, put it so the tip of the leaf is pointing toward your shoulder, and the stem going toward your hand. If you do it the other way, it will be a little awkward to show people. You already know what it says, you will see it in the mirror everyday, no reason to make it upside down.


think about it………….it would be like me having my parrot upside down so that i can view it ……………


I say this tattoo is for you and nobody else. Turn it however you want. Just be sure that you understand and accept that for everybody else it will appear ‘wrong’, and they will proably comment on it.
You should, however, find a different artist if he can’t pull it off. There should be no difference for him whether it’s turning north, south, east or west.


Every tattoo I ever saw has it’s bottom towards the hand, and the top towards the shoulder. Whether it’s a picture, or it’s words. The “top” is always going “up” the arm, and the “bottom” is always going “down” the arm.

If you decide to get one upside down, understand that your tattoo would be completely different then the “norm”. In fact, it would be different then MOST arm tattoos. It’s the same thing as hanging pictures upside down in your house.

So understanding that that is the case, it’s up to you to decide if you want to have your tattoo facing the right way, or you want to try to be unique and have an upside down tattoo.

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