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I will say this one more time.
1)Natives already have the rights I’m suggesting for everyone else.
2)Canada embraces all cultures, including subcultures and have a tenancy to put them on pedistals so this idea is a very Canadian one.
3)Stay out of our political affairs.

I’m not going to ague with you anymore, I’ve said my peice.


…I checked your profiles.


Hey, look at that… None of you (except possibly one?) are Canadian and therefore can’t know wheather or not this is a bad idea. We are a very tolerent people and all this is culturally relivant but you wouldn’t know that because you don’t live it.

Why should Natives be allowd to have whatever tattoos/piercings/hair they want and be MORE likely to get a job because ‘their ancestors had them too and deserve to take part in their own culture’ and africans who come over and are also tattooed have the same right but born and raised Canadians aren’t allowed because our fathers didn’t have tattoos (although a lot of our ancestors did)? Were you aware of these rules before you replied?

In Canada we PRIDE ourselves on being incredibly tolerent and multicultral and I am just trying to right a wrong here, I’m going for equality. People HERE don’t care if you have tattoos unless it’s in the dresscode. Lets say I have a job at Company ‘X’ which is American owned and the American owners come by every now and then. It might say in the dresscode that I can’t have any facial piercings. The Canadian opperators don’t really care, the clients don’t really care and the co-workers don’t really care because that is how Canadian are generally. But they enforce it incase the owners come by and have a fit.

I’ve been tattooed and pierced for a while and always had positive and NEVER negative feedback. People in Canada like to see a lot of different kind of people from all sorts of places or subcultures.

I know you’re just going by your cultrure and where you live thinking we’re the same because we are very similar in a lot of ways but that dosen’t mean we are culturally the same. We are to America and the UK as Germany is to Norway. There is a difference here. Intolerence is an American and apparently a UK and Australlian thing.

It’s the reason we allow gay marriage, have very light laws on marijuana and caucasians are the minority. It IS an outdatted law and if you lived here you would know that.

I said Canadians only for a reason, I didn’t want to hear your irrealivant arguments. I have a LOT of support when I talk to people HERE in Canada and I haven’t had any Canadian disagree with me yet. There is no way for you to comprehend how another culture acts and feels without living there a while.

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