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Thanks guys, I thought that would be the case but wanted to get a bit of advice from some good honest people 🙂


wow! thats is intense, i love it! can’t wait to see the finished product


i found its not as much of a stinging sensation as the belly button, for me it was about the same as my ears. Of course it hurts a little, but really its not that bad. Just remember afterwards that eating can be awkward. I had to shove food right in the side of my mouth and down my throat a little cause it hurt to get it on the piercing. But that was only a couple of days then it was fine 🙂


Thanks! Thats exactly what i was aiming for, as i’m not much of a ‘girly-girl’ but still wanted something non masculine


oh really? thats sweet! Can i ask what she has on hers? I have a few ideas, but if I could get some more i’m all ears 😀


yeah i didn’t think i would be able to change the theme, but its good that someone else agrees (besides my husband 🙂 )
im thinking of having the milkshake centred with the goodies placed around it somehow, but im not sure at the moment


I guess I was pretty lucky, I didnt come out with a lisp or clicking the bar on my teeth. The long bar is annoying, I admit I did bite down on it a few times, but once it’s changed to a shorter bar I have no troubles. Also,I can’t feel it in my mouth unless I have a larger ball on only really notice it the first few weeks


if you can’t afford to get good quality work done, then do what you say and save the money…it will end up better in the long run, trust me on that!


i have a scaffold piercing and have had it for about 3 years now. Unfortunately i was too concerned with getting one and not really caring about who did it. I went to a piercer that was, well, known for not being the greatest, and she did my scaffold with one long needle. It did take a while to heal, I couldn’t sleep on it for weeks… but it didn’t help that I had to wear ear-muffs for work either, it was damned uncomfortable! No issue with scarring though.
All i did with mine was use a cotton-tip dipped in piercing solution and scrubbed off all the yucky crusties, and then another clean one dipped in the solution to give it a good clean… try not to wiggle it around with the crusties on it though coz it hurts!

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