
    @yodaddynukka 134860 wrote:

    its easier to go over black with color, not so much going over color with black. fyi.

    Are you sure you don’t have that backward?


    @poxphobia 134840 wrote:

    I smoke and drink and do stupid shit, I don’t really expect to live past 50.

    I smoked for 25 years(thankfully I quit in 2000)but I have been drinking & have done a lot of stupid shit to my body most my life,and I’ve made it to 54(knock on wood) LOL 😀


    @yodaddynukka 134844 wrote:

    True not all white turns brown, but usually only stays white on really pale people. I wish I were pasty. Sometimes.

    Happy to be pasty in this circumstance. But still the whites in my tattoos have gone to a cream color in a year.


    From what I see on my own body, the white looks great, but it’s done right on top of red/orange, which makes whites look whiter. Sneaky.


    @NorCalDan 134863 wrote:

    I smoked for 25 years(thankfully I quit in 2000)but I have been drinking & have done a lot of stupid shit to my body most my life,and I’ve made it to 54(knock on wood) LOL 😀

    Thankfully I never started smoking (cigarettes). However, drinking and stupid shit? Well, yeah.


    I’m so pasty that even after a few years my white is is pristine. Of course it is in a spot that never sees daylight.

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