
    I recently had a tattoo done by a friend who bought a gun off ebay (stupid of me I know) on my lower back. Whilst she was doing the design she said the ink wasnt taking so she would have to adjust the needle to go in deeper than usual…she said this more than 3-4 times. I was in absalute agony through the whole thing and as this was my 5th tattoo I was used to the pain but this was seriously too much. After 4 hours of this my skin was severly swollen, bleeding and red.

    In the few days that followed I couldnt atall bend down for the killing pain in my back, it was weird like a muscular pain as well as a stretching burning pain. And whenever I applyed cream it would bleed again with no evidence of the scabs being disturbed.

    It is still bleeding, my back is still swollen and scabby and I still cant bend my back or sit/lie down properly.

    Any advice would be great!!!!


    A) Go to a doctor asap. Yes, it Is that serious, go now! Hopefully, it’s just minor muscle irritation.

    B) Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ, don’t EVER do that again. There’s a reason anyone with even the most basic understanding of tattooing tells you to go to a reputable professional–Hint: because of shit like this.

    Love. Peace. Metallica.


    yea man i agree get urself checked out asap dont totally beat yourself upi bet u just wanted to help ur friend and get a tat2 i would recomend to her to try tattooing on fake skin b4 a person if she hasnt done so already and to her to get an apprentiship


    another vote to see a dr. I have friends who tattoo and I still dont go to them, lol. Only very experienced artists for me. I have one guy that I go to that has been doing it for madddd long 20+ years. when I think of ink being on me forever – its a no brainer..


    if my friend said to me hey i just got needle
    let me stick it in your back 200 times a minute 😮
    the answere would be fuck off
    what were you thinking of :confused:


    My advice is see a Dr – there are several reasons;

    There is a risk of infection because that sounds like one really deep cut.

    There are a collection of nerve endings that cluster at the base of the spine – you will need to make sure none have been trapped, but sounds like the needle may have touched them – it is not life threatening but can hurt like a bastard when it happens.

    By the sound of it sounds like you may have chewed through some muscle fibre – this can be caused by dragging of a sharp object through the bunched muscles.

    I hope to god it was a sterile needle and ink – make sure that you are not exhibiting signs of septicaemia. If you mentioned bleeding and discolouration – this is the first signs of infection. You need antibiotics and a professional.

    Also take that tattoo machine off your friend and smash it. You will be doing yourself and them a favour.

    Try not to panic – get it sorted by a medic and once it is healed take the tattoo to a properly trained artist and I am sure they can rectify it.

    Health first though.



    Seriously…all I can say to that is holy crap…

    hope it heals up ok…keep us posted…


    i wont be nasty like i was thinking of being, and with the wording in your post then you certainly know that you should not have let them do it in the first place.

    if they kept saying that they need to alter the needle depth then they obviously dont know what they are doing yet, and as for the comment the ink isnt taking yet…. it sounds to me like they have major over worked the area and quite rightly you need to go seek medical advise.
    I am guessing that it celulitis that has set in because they have hit the deep tissue layer, and the seeping is going to continue until you get some antibiotics in your system….

    the only downfall is that antibiotics can cause the inks to fade quickly, and you may need to have the piece redone once it has fully healed, but you should expect cracks and holidays in it anyway..
    i wouldnt recommend it being worked on for a few months, and cross that friend off your chrismas list lol..

    let us know how you go on at the doctors and what they said, and lets hope it clears up quickly for you 😉


    I’m voting for a doctor or urgent care immediately…septicaemia ( more comonly known as blood poisoning) is nothing to mess with. I kow firsthand…I was septic when I stepped into a local ER 10 years ago, and I was lucky to make it out of there without a bodybag.

    This is, once again, the reason “scratchers” are looked down upon by most tattoo professionals.

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