Dundee tattoo parlour raises money for bushfire victims
A Dundee based tattoo artist has been tattooing small koalas bear in aid of the bushfire victims in Australia. The recent bushfire in Australia has destroyed large amounts of land. The scale of the fire is near to the size of England, leaving Australia without wildlife or land. Many donations are taking place to help rescue animals and people of Australia. Jessica Banks is the name of a tattoo artist who is creating koala bear tattoos for around £40 each. These tiny tattoos are very detailed and they support a great cause for WWF.
Girl Gets £15,000 full-body tattoo
A 29-year-old care assistant named Natalie Anderson, from Dundee, has become covered head to toe in black-out tattoos. Her father was her inspiration for tattoos as he had tattoo sleeves, she is the self-proclaimed ‘daddy’s girl’. One tattoo of hers grew into an addiction and she eventually covering her entire body with ink, she has even flown abroad to have certain procedures which are illegal in the UK.
In total the cost of her fully body tattoos cost around £15,000 and her relationship with her friends and family has not been affected by her tattoos. Sometimes she finds not everyone is so accepting of her tattoos, she adds “They say things like, ‘you’ve ruined your life’, ‘you can’t be employed’ and ‘you’ll regret this in forty years’, but at the end of the day I’m fully employed, I’ve paid for every single tattoo out of my own wage, no one’s ever paid for them, I’ve got my own flat and honestly I live a very normal life.”

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UFC Fighter Andre Fili tattoos
29-year-old Andre Fili, a featherweight UFC fighter, has revealed a new tattoo. He is known for getting tattoos that don’t have any true significance in his life, other than he just likes the art. He recently revealed he has a tattoo of Urijah Faber, he later revealed that he feels he owes a lot to Faber and Faber kept him off going down a dangerous route in life.
Fili said “I’d be in jail for sure. I have no question,” Fili said. “I’d either be in jail or I’d be getting out of a jail working some deadbeat job. If you talk to Faber, he’ll tell the opposite. I’ve said that to Faber before, you basically saved my life.” he later reveals that Faber actually had nothing to do with saving his life and that he’d actually refuse to admit it, but Fili truly feels like Faber did save him.
Hot and spicy ink!
An American hot sauce brand called Cholula is seeking someone who is a superfan of their product and willing to get it tattooed on their body. Fans can choose one of five free flash tattoos to get, each with the name of the brand on it.
If someone gets one of these tattoos, they can win a lifetime supply of the hot sauce. The hot sauce brand has teamed up with celebrity chef Aarón Sánchez and his tattoo studio to promote the tattoo themed campaign.