replied to the topic Tattooist Art *FREE* electronic mag in 3 languages in the forum Tattoo News 13 years, 7 months ago
ArniVidar;89363 wrote:
Well, I’m loving it at least, and I hope you continue with it.It could do with some proofreading, though.
Thank you. Yes I am aware of the grammar errors and I now have someone that will proof read it all as I am not a native english speaker 😀
thank you for the possitive criticism as it is always good to hear what…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattooist Art *FREE* electronic mag in 3 languages in the forum Tattoo News 13 years, 7 months ago
ArniVidar;89223 wrote:
I’m loving the format. What a great project.Why are they published so sporadically?
The intention was to get advertising and keep it free, but people are too old school and still thinking that the printed edition is better for advertising, and as it costs a good money to get it translated, pai writer and electronic…[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattooist Art *FREE* electronic mag in 3 languages in the forum Tattoo News 13 years, 8 months ago
If there is haters, it means that we are doing the right thing…
replied to the topic Tattooist Art *FREE* electronic mag in 3 languages in the forum Tattoo News 13 years, 8 months ago
WardyInk;89069 wrote:
mustn’t be a very “successful” magazine if there posting on a forum for advertisement.If you believe that 20,000 downloads monthly + 31,000 member on our facebook page isnt a successful magazine, so I am a dumb us. As the owner of the this website, and he will tell you if he got my email inquiring advertising on here……[Read more]
replied to the topic Tattooist Art *FREE* electronic mag in 3 languages in the forum Tattoo News 14 years, 8 months ago
After a member on here that I know indicated me the website as he said would be cool to post here, but Well I thought you guys would like to download a free magazine. but I guess not!!!
Thank you