
    Hi! I’m not seeking medical advice. I’m posting my journal/sequence of events, in hopes that I can find out if I’m the only one on this planet that has experienced this, or if I can talk to other people who have had the same problem.

    All treatments have been performed at two different places in Dallas, Texas.

    First through Fourth treatments:
    No anesthesia or numbing cream. Just the cooling system during laser treatment.
    Affinity QS laser: Q-switched Nd:YAG

    First treatment: Aug 2008
    No significant events, minor blistering, scabbing.

    Second treatment: Sep 2008
    No significant events, minor blistering, scabbing.

    Third treatment: Oct 2008
    -Significant blistering after using a “black ink” wavelength and then immediately going over same site again with a “color ink” wavelength. Reasoning for two lasers at once, I was told, was that it would help bust up the ink more.
    -Body shudders from waist down to toes at night. Felt like a wave of energy surging from waist down and involuntary movement of legs out to toes.
    -Two areas got deeply infected, turned green and was pitted. Used Iodine to get rid of infection.

    Fourth treatment: Dec 2008:
    -Severe blistering after using a “black ink” wavelength and then going over same site again with a “color ink” wavelength.
    -Body shudders from waist down to toes at night. Felt like a wave of energy surging from waist down and involuntary movement of legs out to toes.
    -Blistering the size of quarters and nickels all over site.
    -Also burned skin from cooling hose.
    -The blisters had clear/honey thin liquid in them and the owner told me to pop them and they will heal better.
    -Went to Dermatologist and didn’t use the steroid crème he provided due to the possible pigmentation issue. Did take antibiotics to prevent infection.

    Decided not to go back to that place, as the last two sessions were performed by two people that only shadowed an experienced laser specialist for a month before using the laser on their own patients. HORRENDOUS business practice I might add.

    Fifth treatment: Jan 2008 & Sixth treatment: Mar 2008
    Performed at a new place in Dallas.
    Used Lidocaine injections for numbing prior to and during treatment.
    Versa Pulse laser.
    -No blisters, a lot of bleeding night of treatment.
    -(Fifth treatment) Immediately after Lidocaine injections wore off the “taser” feeling began. Unbearable “taser” feeling directly at site.
    -(Sixth treatment) “Taser” feeling didn’t begin until about 20 hours later, as soon as I started to take a shower.

    Defining: “Taser” feeling was/is a consistent pulsing (not with heartbeat pulse) and exacerbated to disability to move/function by loud sounds, sudden car braking, misstep while walking, sneezing, coughing, sleeping in different positions, heat, direct sunlight (not site, but entire body), accidentally cutting finger while cooking, showering (unless water is directly on site), brushing hair, using blow dryer on hair, washing hands with warm water, dog barking… really, I’d like to know what doesn’t exacerbate the pain!!!

    I went to a Neurologist between the fifth and sixth treatments and had a lower back MRI and results “all showed normal, which [led him] to believe that the problem is muscle/soft tissue.”

    I have two sites that have been treated at the exact same time. One on my rib cage, that is 3×4, and it has not had ANY problems at all. All of these problems and reactions only come from my lower back, that is 3×8.

    -I’m almost certain this nerve pain/tasering sensation has to do with scar tissue from the blistering on the third and fourth sessions.
    -Or I’ve started something awful, neurologically wise, and I’m going to regret continuing to get this removed in the long run.

    No one I’ve talked to has ever heard of this problem/sensation. Please help me figure out what is going wrong and what I should do to stop it. I’m begging!



    I have had laser treatment on some scarring which also removed a wrecked tattoo I had there.

    The blistering is not good and you may have toasted the tips of the nerve clusters in the base of the spine – it is not permanent but if you imagine sending an electric shock down them.

    As for the spasms I did suffer some muscle spasms which was worrying I felt like the muscle was ‘rippling’ and locking up when trying to walk. The pain was pretty intense as well.

    My MRI scan was clear and I was advised it was a temporary condition caused by the laser sonic vibration through the nerves.

    I would advise speaking with the company doing it and see about maybe adjusting the intensity of the laser. Or speak with a nerve specialist if the symptoms continue.

    Mine wore off by the 7th treatment of 12 but I always say each person is individual and always get it checked out if worried.

    Take Care

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