
Today’s youth tend to make poor decisions when it comes to getting a tattoo. While not all youth make poor decisions when it comes to tattoos, they will likely do so in other areas. Scientific research has proven why youth tend to make poor decisions when it comes to lifelong decisions like getting a tattoo. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, the rational part of an adolescent’s brain doesn’t fully develop until around the age of 25. Because of this, adolescents think differently than adults. While adults use their prefrontal cortex to make decisions, adolescents use their amygdala to make decisions. The amygdala is involved with experiencing emotion in one’s brain. Connections between both the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala are still developing in an adolescent’s brain. This explains why adolescents can’t explain what they were thinking after something that causes them overwhelming emotional input.
Unfortunately, decisions like getting tattoos in highly visible areas can have a negative impact on one’s ability to represent themselves professionally. In most careers like business, tattoo in can permanently stain your professionalism. This is because tattoos are not considered professional in today’s society, and they have a negative stigma of being associated with criminal activity. Not only that, but they can also be distracting and could possibly cause disruptions in a workplace. For an individual with tattoos, it may be significantly more difficult to find professional jobs compared to individuals without tattoos.
However, with today’s advancements in technology, practices like the New Look Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic make it easier for their clients to remove unwanted tattoos that may hurt their professionalism. Their expert staff and advanced laser technology make for easy tattoo removal with flawless results. Clinics like New Look provide the opportunity for adolescents with unwanted tattoos the chance to completely erase their poor tattoo decisions. This opportunity betters the chance of that individual working in the career of their choice so that they can contribute back to society in what they are passionate about.
Source: https://www.urmc.rochester.edu…
New Look Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic: http://www.newlookhouston.com/%5B/url%5D

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