
    Hi all !

    Many talks about that you must not buy a moisturizing creme for your new tattoo IF IT CONTAINS ZINC .

    My question is therefore..

    Can you then take high doses of Zinc pills/tablets before and after the tattoo is made ?

    Or will it also effect the ink



    The main problem is that you need some zinc in your diet in order to remain healthy. It is needed to maintain a high sperm count, muscle repair and releive skin problems.

    That said too much inc can result in;

    Stomach cramps
    Anemia – this can cause tattoos to bleed out badly and sweep away the pigment as it is flushed out before it has time to heal.

    If you are using zinc acetate and zinc chloride these can result in skin allergies. These are often found in some skin creams that are used to treat acne.

    Intake of zinc should be kept to under 100 mg per day.

    Zinc Acetate is sometimes used in paste for tattoo removal and should not really be used excessively on a new tattoo as it will leach ink.

    Unless you have a medical issue I would recommend staying within the RDA.

    Take Care


    Thanks Matthew ! Great reply.. !

    But I am still a bit confused whether or not I can still take the 20mg per day …. ? And it will not in any way affect my soon new tattoo..

    I am going to be tattooed in 6 days.. If I stop taking the zinc pills now..(I have taken 100mg today)
    Will the zinc be gone in 6 days ?



    If you are taking zinc orally for a medical condition you need to keep taking it at normal dosage and it shouldn’t impact on your tattoo.

    If you are using a skin care cream with zinc in it avoid the tattooed area. This is the bit that lifts ink.

    Do not be upping your dosage as your body will flush the majority away through your liver and you will just get sick.

    It can take several days for the full traces to be absorbed into the body – you will be fine carry on as normal and good luck with the tattoo.

    Take Care

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