
    I’m about to get another tattoo. I already have one on my left ribcage and want another one on my right ribcage. I was thinking about having some lyrics/quotes run down the side and came across this…


    …so what do you think? Cool? Stupid? Gay? Also you should know that I’m a guy so I’m not sure if it would be wierd or whatever if I got this tattoo done.

    ..imagine it kind of like this but its going to be 3 lines deep and a lot smaller >

    anyway be honest, no hard feelings. and throw suggestions out if you want. like maybe a different format or font.
    click on the tattoo picture to see it fullsize.
    the other pictures are just examples of words on ribs

    War Games AM

    In all honesty, if you have to ask, the answer is probably no. If you’re iffy about getting it, then there’s a good chance you will regret it later.

    Jennifer B

    I love the first one; but be prepared the first time you screw over a chick to LOSE that tat by a womans nails digging into your flesh and removing it..LOL the others..ummmm no!


    the first one’s pretty cool. i like the idea of lyrics or quote tattoos if they mean something to you or they are about something you’ve been through. like when you hear that certain song on the radio that is exactly your situation in life. if you’re asking people’s opinion like this, you are probably second guessing the thought of it. tattoos are a reflection of you, not what someone else thinks is cool.

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