
    i want a neat tattoo on the back of my neck.
    btw i’m anemic and my last tattoo didn’t hurt but i about passed out when i stood up. how can i help myself better next time?


    eat a meal and drink a gatorade before you go in ( 30 minutes before) … and make sure you bring a gatorade with you. while you are being tattooed place a cool cloth or cold bottle of water on the inside of your wrist, it will help cool you down and lessen the effects of shock (all tattoos cause minor shock).


    I have one on the back on my neck..
    and i also experience anemia.
    Drink a LOT of sugary stuff, like pepsi or fruit juice, and eat a lot before you go.
    Dont think of the pain, just distract yourself, bring a friend to talk to..

    I have my mom’s last name.. it looks pretty cute.
    Things i thought of also were a bar code, maybe my sign.. (aquarius), my initials..
    Theres plenty of things you can do!

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