    fabian z

    I did it two days ago and I have some scab is that bad? Is the treatment that I’m doing to it wrong? What should I do


    My tattoo scabbed its normal

    Miss F

    Tattoos naturally scab and flake as they heal

    Don’t pick at it!


    bad needle huh. sounds like aids.

    miz kelly

    no it should have a scab! a tattoo is hundreds of tiny cuts in your skin and cuts get scabs! it should be even and raised slightly or look like peeling sunburn (mine did this)
    don’t pick it or pull the scab of just leave it and use anti-bacterial cream on it to stop infection! you can also put vseline on it to sofen the scab!


    what usually happens when you get a cut . . it scabs over. I take it it was your first tattoo.
    Dont pick the scabs it can pull the ink out. Use a& d ointment for the first 48 hours then switch to lubriderm FRAGRANCE FREE blue stripe lotion. It will stop scabbing in a week or so, depepending on how much ink you got put into it. I just got my sleeve finished and its still flaking 2 weeks later.

    Amy B

    thats normal! but whatever you do dont pick it as the colour will fade in the places you do. Just use something like savalon so it heals quick and clean and you will be fine.

    Dany T

    I had a few on my arms, and they always scab over the whole tattoo, as your skin was damaged, and the loose dead skin needs to fall off. Its totally normal, for a week or so.

    steph d

    Leave it to heal. It’s meant to scab over, don’t pick at it or you could damage the image. I have 2 tattoos. The first one the girl covered it in clingfilm and it didn’t scab but the second one was left uncovered and it had a scab for about a week or so and it just fell off by itself.

    angie b

    no thats normal its supose to scab thats just the part of healing just watch out for puss or green or yellow drainage good luck

    can you post a pic of your tattoo?


    I have one, a bigger one than I wanted, but nevertheless, I have one and have had it for years. The scabbing is normal, after all it is a wound until it heals. Anytime you puncture your skin it will scab a tattoo is no different.
    Just continue treating it like they said. If you are concerned call them and ask, and if you are really not sure after that see a doc.


    its normal dont pick it it’s just healing …that’s what everybody tattoo do it’s going to itch and scabb up but dont pick it or scratch not even in your sleep


    its normal dont pick it it’s just healing …that’s what everybody tattoo do it’s going to itch and scabb up but dont pick it or scratch not even in your sleep


    you’re fine, you know how when you get a cut and it scabs over and you dont care? well your tatoo is going through the healing process. just pleaaase do not peel off the scab or itch it.


    um… call a doctor?

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