    Melissa r

    I have this pro tat cream and it says to use when necessary, but the tattoo guy said twice a day.

    If the tattoo dried out a bit during the day would it hurt to put a tinsy bit of cream on? so three times a day?

    big fella

    i don’t think so go back to that parlor


    I always use H2 ocean. Don’t let your tattoo dry out at all! keep it moist always! My artist says to apply a little at a time whenever needed.


    Best to keep it moist to stop scab becoming thick and cracking
    personel preferance is savlon keep a tube with you and any time it starts to dry out put a little on
    even when the scabs are off and its got the orange peel effect keep nice and moist lets face it you have paid good money to have it dont wreck it lol


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