
    Hi everyone and thanks for having us! I have numerous pieces of work and she is still trying to figure out which tattoo she wants to start with! Any ideas along that thread would be great for her, I understand it needs to be personal, no tags, or names or any of the fad tats that I see so much today! She needs some ideas so if anyone could let us know what your first tat was, it might give her some ideas. Also, if anyone knows a good and available tattoo ink here in the states, that would be wonderful. I have seen quite a few that appear to be good and come highly recommended, but they are only available on sites that I wouldn’t trust putting my cc info in! We have the practice ink that came with our guns, but I don’t trust it for some reason! Once we get the proper ink, we plan on starting my large piece, so we are anxious to find some good ink! Thanks again for letting us join the forum and we hope everyone has a great weekend! We look forward to hearing from you all!


    Hello Zenn! I actually got my first ink in Charlotte NC, at a place called Ink Links. If Elmo is still there, definitely try to make an appointment with her – she’s one of the best. She did the piece on my right outer arm if you get the chance to see it.

    When choosing a tattoo, go with something you know will mean something to you for the rest of you. All of my inks are based on symbols, each with a meaning deeper than the needles that were used on me. I prefer to have a story or something to say with each one when someone asks “What is that?” or “Why’d you get that there?” If nothing else, get a quote from your favorite book, poem, movie, or song.



    Thanks for the advice! I am working on a very large piece comprised of numerous smaller pieces that are all symbology from runes and older deeper symbols! They will be connected by single lines and all will branch off the pentagram on my right side! Yeah, ink link is still there and they have one in Gastonia as well. I am not really looking to go to an artist again though besides my gf. I need to get the ink so she can get a good feel of the guns on human skin, but I am confident she will do ok. Funny, the other day she met a “tattoo artist” who told her that she needed to pay at least $1500 – $2000 per gun if she wanted to take tattooing seriously! I found that humourous! Thanks for your post! Take care!


    I am from Gastonia and nice to see some local people on here.

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