
    haha yeah its definitely not for everyone. I can definitely feel them when they move around. Theyre actually saline, as I couldnt afford the silicone and also didnt want to have to pay 3k every few years for an MRI to check for leakage. This way, if it pops I will know immediately. But theyre surprisingly natural looking for saline implants.

    Xavialune;33201 wrote:
    haha yeah its definitely not for everyone. I can definitely feel them when they move around. Theyre actually saline, as I couldnt afford the silicone and also didnt want to have to pay 3k every few years for an MRI to check for leakage. This way, if it pops I will know immediately. But theyre surprisingly natural looking for saline implants.

    Ive heard saline sposed to be better anyways, god imagine if one popped lol….fark me hehe:eek:


    Welcome to it!!! Fantastic look… totally diggin it!! You can pull it off very well!!


    Silicone was restricted in the U.S. for a long time. Saline is basically water so if it gets into your body, it won’t matter. Silicone on the other hand, is a little more toxic and when you have a breast exam, silicone looks much like cancer on the doctor’s machines. You also cannot get silicone in the U.S. until you turn 22. Since most girls that get them are around the age of 19 when they get them here, most get saline. The only upside to silicone implants is that they look and feel a little more natural than saline.

    I’ve done a little research on it primarily because I have a very petite frame. I haven’t made up my mind on getting implants or not. But I probably won’t anytime soon.

    Demure;33243 wrote:
    I’ve done a little research on it primarily because I have a very petite frame. I haven’t made up my mind on getting implants or not. But I probably won’t anytime soon.

    Nah, small frame small boobs rocks all the way. Not that my opinion makes any difference to your outcome, but I don’t understand why perfectly formed small framed women distort what they have, do they not see what others see? I dunno. I suppose thats what it’s all about though ah!! Individuals being individual:cool:


    it depends really. i know small chicks on the implant forum i went to who had really saggy gross boobs and thats why they got implants. smaller women can pribably do with 350-400 cc’s, but many suffer from what we call ‘boobie greed’ and usually wish theyd gone bigger after they are all healed and the boobs ‘drop and fluff’ as they say. I suffer from it a bit too, which is why I wanted an enlargement to 850..that, and im still not quite balanced out yet.


    haha thank you. =) Nah mine are perfectly shaped, just smaller than I’d like.



    that is a great look you have. am jealous.

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