
    So, this is the first home I’ve worked in where I’ve had an aide. She’s a young lady, only 18, very good girl. Doesn’t drink, smoke, just a good, good kid. But she has a fascination with tattoos.

    Somehow the topic of tattoos came up and I showed her my Tengwar and rose tattoo. Over the past couple days she’s been working me… How much would a piece cost? Where’s a good shop? How do you come up with a design?

    She’s very shy. Gyno exams disturb her. And she just wants a little sunflower on her hip. She asked for my number and if we could “go shopping” in Knoxville. I asked her if maybe when we had a mutual day off if she’d like me to take her to an all female tattoo shop where I had my Tengwar done. The artist who did there is very kind, very anti-drinking/drug/not the kind of person who’d scare this aide, and just a good intro into the tatt world for the nice kind of girl who probably won’t get another, but it might be a fun way to celebrate being 18 since she just turned, missed voting, and wouldn’t dare buy a pack of cigs.

    She made the comment that she didn’t think someone with large tattoos would be a nurse, etc., and it was kind of neat to change someone’s perception and bring them into it. Maybe I’ll even add a little tatt just to lessen her fear. 🙂


    Starting small with something feminine sounds like a good idea 🙂


    That’s how I started, and oddly enough, with a flower. Sarah owns Vivid and is a good person. I’ll entrust her with “my girl.” 😉

    I’m really excited about this.


    An all female shop and a friend like you to take her will probably make her more comfortable for her first one. A nice way for her to start.

    So … are you going to warn her about that ‘come back juice’ that they mix into the ink? (You know that’s the reason you almost always go back for more after the first one, right?) 😉


    It’s only fair I warn her. 😀

    I’m considering getting a little one…. Since I’ve been shooting off my mouth for half a decade I’m going to make my right thigh into a Japanese thing-a-ma-jig, about adding a little tatt there near the cherry blossom… I was thinking something modern, maybe a Hello Kitty with my cat’s coloring, or a 1 Up from Super Mario (since I got a second chance at life in many ways 😀 ) just to show her it’s not that painful. She’s scared it will hurt.

    (I’m too much of a mom and I don’t even have a kid yet. Plan on taking Tylenol in my purse and giving her one before. Excited to email Sarah.)


    I’m almost scared to post….with all the estrogen in the room.
    Go big or go home. Lol

    I inspired my wife into getting her first. She even went to my artist.
    Word of advice. If you are the sole breadwinner don’t volunteer to pay for your spouses tattoos.
    They’re addictive and expensive.

    Now two large pieces in the hole she wants one from her hip to her side boob. Doh.

    Good luck on the “shopping” teach her right and shell be fine.


    sounds cool maybe we can get some pics


    I can’t say that I’ve inspired anybody to get “A” tattoo, but I’ve inspired several people to get “GOOD” tattoos.
    I’ve had more conversations with local young people since getting tattooed than I would have imagined. I was perceived as an old fart politician. (I’ve had an AARP card longer than my tattoos) I’m still an old fart, bur now more of a local curiousity.


    Sam, that’s a good thing. I have a real irritation with young people and bad tattoos. Age is no excuse.

    Not sure on the pictures, but Jerry, yeah, no fear of me marrying this gal and paying for squat. MAYBE a Starbucks coffee if she’s a little woozy after. 😀

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