
Hey everyone,

I got this tattoo 2 years ago on the outside of my forearm I guess you could say, and I’ve been wanting to get it covered for awhile. It’s fairly big, but it’s thin writing (it says Explore Dream Discover in script font), and it pretty much covers up the whole area from wrist to elbow. I got the piece of the Mark Twain quote because I had been going through a lot trying to accept the past and to figure out where I wanted to be in life and what exactly made me happy, so when I read the entire quote, it fit the way that I was feeling. The problem is that shortly after getting it, I completely decided that the idea of having quotes on me was NOT something I ended up liking… I absolutely love the placement, and it really does look good, but I just don’t feel that it’s for me. People tell me that they like it, but I’m still not very proud of it… I actually kind of hate when people ask me what it says. So YES, I definitely made a mistake! BUT I still want a tattoo in its place, and I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with something that would make me happy so that I don’t hate it again in the future!!! I’ve gone through countless ideas, but nothing yet has completely made me want to go all out for it..

Until today.. it dawned on me that if I could come up with maybe a scene or something that could symbolize as a picture what the quote actually says, that would make me a million times happier and much more satisfied and proud of it. I really couldn’t explain why I don’t like the quotes, it just hit me one day that I didn’t really like it and my mind hasn’t changed since!
I apologize if this post is a little vague, seeing as how you don’t really know me or what I like, but if there are any suggestions in general as to how to depict the quote in a scene, that would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

The whole quote is as follows: “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

thank you!!!


I can’t help you with the actual coverup idea, but if you want to maximize your chances of a properly good tattoo, follow these five easy steps:

1.) Post a picture of your tattoo in here.
2.) Laser that thing off you.
3.) Tell us where you are and how much you’re willing to spend on a tattoo.
4.) Hopefully we’ll give you some references for proper artists around you, and tell you to at least double your price expectations.
5.) Choose a good artist, give him/her your thoughts and behold the birth of your new favorite tattoo.


take the advice!

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