
    My name is Paul Keller and I am currently a Ph.D. candidate at Walden University. I am conducting a survey with individuals that have an interest in tattooing. My research project is entitled “The Relationships Among Knowledge, Attitudes, Subjective Norms, and Intentions Regarding Tattooing in Current and Prospective Tattoo Clients”. I am interested in what the average tattoo client knows about the tattooing process, and some of the potential health concerns associated with tattooing, and how these relate to the attitudes, societal beliefs, and intentions regarding tattooing. I have a personal interest in tattooing and developed this survey tool to see if there are common themes among the tattooing community that can be used in order to make it the safest that it can be. This is the first survey of its type that is addressing the level of knowledge of potential tattoo clients. I invite any interested individual to participate in my survey by following the link at

    The Tattoo Experience Survey

    Thank you very much for those of you that will take the time to take my survey. It should only take about 20 minutes of your time.
    Paul 🙂


    I see one great fault with your survey.

    It is far too geocentric. Answers that are true for our country will probably not be true for your country, and thus you will count those answers as being ‘false’, and as underlining the lack of understanding and intelligence in people being tattooed.

    Therefore, sadly most of the questions in there are entirely useless as research material, and your survey and your project are thus meaningless.


    Reply to ArniVidar,

    While I appreciate you taking the survey, you have to understand that I have to focus on the area of the world in which I am studying and live. While there are about five to ten questions that might be US-centric, the remainder of the survey centers around infection control and the other tattooing processes, which should be universally known in the tattooing community.
    There is unfortunately no worldwide standard for tattooing, so it would be impossible to tailor a survey for everyone. Again, I appreciate your comments, but at the same time I have taken the content from other surveys that have been given in two different continents. Additionally it was reviewed by a few tattoo artists in the US to ensure that the content applies to the tattooing community as a whole. I have the survey broken down into different subject areas, so it will be easy to see if there are matters that are US specific, and I will consider those when calculating the results.
    Thanks again,


    @bluegoatee05 119203 wrote:

    While there are about five to ten questions that might be US-centric, the remainder of the survey centers around infection control and the other tattooing processes, which should be universally known in the tattooing community.

    Not true in the least. I managed only about half the survey before giving it up as a bad joke, and at that time I had found several dozen either poorly phrased or simply too geocentric questions. Without actually going back in and counting them up, I would say that more than half the questions I answered were unanswerable.

    @bluegoatee05 119203 wrote:

    Additionally it was reviewed by a few tattoo artists in the US to ensure that the content applies to the tattooing community as a whole.

    Exactly.. you asked US tattooists. They aren’t exactly the greatest resource on how things are done outside the States.
    Furthermore, nowhere in that survey nor in your post does it SAY that the questions are US specific, nor do the questions give an option that invalidates a question due to it’s geocentricity. An option of “Not applicable where I live” or something to that sort, might have taken care of that, but that would probably have severely reduced the amount of data you could have gotten out of the survey.

    To add to that, not even all states within the US it self carry the same legislature regarding tattooing, which further skews the results.
    Since your entire purpose is to figure out how much knowledge (or lack thereof) regular people have regarding tattooing, and you therefore have preconceived Right and Wrong answers, any deviation between legislation between states and countries will automatically go into the Wrong category despite being 100% Right.
    Since you don’t account for this deviation in the data, the method and it’s results are flawed, and thus utterly unusable as reliable data.


    Thanks again for your comments,
    I will let others judge for themselves what they think about the survey. 🙂


    Took your survey and then read the response in the thread afterward. ArniVidar is 100% correct in everything he said, and you need to rework this entire survey or stick a big U.S. only sticker on the front. Also, I’d like to point out that a “white” completely differs from country to county, even in state to state. A “white” in America is completely different to a “white” in Poland. Same goes for “blacks” and Asians. American born Chinese will have different attitudes/knowladge/lifestyle than Chinese who were born and live in China.

    The whole category is very poorly thought out in relation to your survey and the information you intend to get from it – as it is meant to be an important part to your thesis, correct?


    Well, since I’m trapped in my own house because of our first snowstorm, I might as well take this test.

    What is your Gender?
    Come on! three choices?

    Please specify your ethnicity
    Where’s “BLACK”? Afraid of being racist? Weird, since you
    allready put up “hispanic” or “latino”, for some gang-related reason.

    Please specify your race
    Could you in the near future add “anglo-saxon”? Thanks!

    Any bloodborne illness I might get from tattooing would be mild.
    If you compare Hep C with aids, sure.

    A tattoo artist taking precautions against diseases while tattooing could save my life.
    He’d take a bullet for me, any day.

    ….and why this overwhelming interest of needles? I’ve counted at least 10 questions about re-using them,

    The Tattoo Experience Survey

    Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

    No, thank you.


    I took the survey. What I’m wondering is why the same questions are asked over, and over, and over again in different forms?

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