
Hi Everyone,
I am thinking of getting a white rabbit tattooed on me to symbolize looking for myself (Alice found herself in wonderland, and who she was, due to chasing the rabbit into the hole). However, someone told me white supremacists are using it to symbolize white genocide. They have a website with pictures of white rabbits called white rabbit radio. I am against racism and do not want to put something on my body, that could possibly be construed as something that would be hateful or negative. So what do you guys think?


I couldn’t get on the White Rabbit Radio site so I don’t know what there “symbol” is. Sounds very obscure and I think the only people who would associate the two would be someone who listens to it. I’m guessing not many people fall into this catagory.

That said, a “White Rabbit” tattoo is very vague. Are you planning the John Tenniel version that was illustrated for Lewis Carrolls book “The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland”? There are many, many versions of it floating about the interwebs. If you want to be sure a connection is made by viewers of the tat, you will want to stick close to the original.



If it is any help the white rabbit is not a mainstream symbol of white supremacy or neo-nazi symbols.

I know of the white rabbit site and frankly to take them seriously would be to wrap tin foil around your head and wait to be probed by little green men.

The 99% of the population associate the white rabbit as part of Alice in Wonderland and if anybody tries to say to you otherwise it is their hang up.

Take Care


Sherav is right. A white rabbit is not what the general crowd will associate with anything aside from the general story of Alice in Wonderland.

The only thing I would consider is whether you relate to a constantly in a hurry, somewhat stressed furry rabbit…. that’s what most people would think when looking at the tattoo

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