
    I’m just wondering what you guys think about this tattoo being reworked, it’s on the inside of my arm and it was done over 20 years ago, It’s not the best tattoo especially by today’s standards, but I still kinda like it TBH, the lines are not as defined and despite its age the colours are not that bad, but the orange is a bit faded.

    I’m having a lot of my tattoo’s covered up, and I’m going with a japanese theme, so this geisha girl works well for me if it can blend in with my other designs.

    Could this be improved upon by new outlines? and being re-coloured? I was thinking of having the orange changed to purple maybe, and keep the rest of the colours as they are.

    Is there anything that can be added to it in your opinions that could improve it? I don’t think windbars would work or do anything to enhance it?, but maybe some shading?, so it blends in with my forearm when that’s done maybe?

    Not really sure what else I could do, so any suggestions would be most helpful? 😎





    I like it and for the age it is damn good condition!

    Looking at the outline thickness those needles must have felt like barbed poles 😮

    I would def give it a fresh outline and some new colour over the orange – purple will def work and give it a new lease of life.

    I personally can picture her standing beneath a cherry tree with falling blossoms or a maybe a sun rising over her shoulder and some shading of her shadow leaning away.

    If you wanted something a bit fancier you could have her done as the centre piece of a Japanese fan and add some cranes or water scene on the edges.

    Take Care


    i think i would have it re worked , just looks very old now you have that nice new fresh tattoo on your other arm 😉


    Thanks guys… Some interesting concepts there Sherav, not sure I’ve got the room for some of that stuff though, by the time my left forearm is covered up I’m guessing there isn’t going to be a great deal of room to re-work the geisha.

    I did ask the artist about reworking it last time I was there and he didn’t look too happy about doing it!

    I do think it needs re-colouring and outlining at the very least. I like the idea of a temple / pagoda in the background but don’t know if this would work, it would have to appear over her shoulder as if in the distance, no doubt next time I’m in, I will talk to him again and see if he’s more interested this time.

    I did find these designs, some have wind bars and some flowers which do seem to work quite well, not sure how much detailing could be added to my piece, not a great deal I’m guessing? but anyway with your ideas and these designs it at least gives me some thoughts.


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