

    Basically, I was born on my moms birthday and we have been through a lot together, my dad dying, grandma dying, grandpa dying, a lot of shit. I want to get a tattoo of her to represent this on my ribcage, or my right shoulder blade. I’m looking for ideas as of what to get.

    We are both Leos (I was born on her birthday) and she is really into astrology, so I want a leo tattoo to represent this. I also want the text “I will” (The Leo motto) somewhere on it.

    So far, here is my idea. Its two interlooped Leo symbols, but I’m not happy with this because I am horrible at art. I want it to be at least 3″x 3″ but no larger than 4″x4″. Help or ideas would be amazingly appreciated.

    I basically want something a bit more manly, this tattoo looks pretty weak.



    sorry not a fan ,its not the clearest of leo symbols and if your going on your rib cage why not get a lion ? :rolleyes:


    Well, I’m leaning more toward my shoulder blade. I want it to have some sort of duality to it (Because I want it to represent my mother and me), so it would need two lions if I did something like that. Another idea of mine was half the face of a full grown male lion(me), with a leo symbol replacing the pupil of its eyeball(mom). I can’t very well draw a design of this, so I hope that is a decent enough description to get the point across.


    a male lion with the leo symbol could look nice .
    i normally think symbols on there own look nice as wrist tattoos etc .


    Ehh I’m not a fan of wrist tattoos, or really any tattoos off the torso, neck, or behind the ears. That probably puts me pretty out of place on this forum.

    Thanks for your input, I’m thinking a bit more about the lion and symbol design now and think it might look really cool when I’m done daydreaming about it.

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