
    Hey guys,

    Right.. This’ll be my first tattoo. I’ve been considering it for around 2 years and I told myself I wouldn’t settle on something until I was really STUCK on it.

    I’ve decided I want to have this:




    I want to have the God figure on the lower part of my bicep. Ideally I’d fit the whole thing in a relatively small space (my arms aren’t huge. I’ve weight trained for years but let’s just say i’m not gonna be drawing a landscape on them any time soon). But, I don’t mind if a bit of the creature ends up on my tricep on the back of my arm.

    What do you guys think? Is it plausible? Also, it’s reasonably detailed for a small tattoo. How long do you think it’d take?

    I’m planning on only having the God and the creature. The girl behind him and other things in the background would be got rid of.

    I’ve just spent the last 2 years in Asia and I had the time of my life! I lived in both Japan and China studying the languages as well as travelling to various other countries, so this tattoo is pretty apt. Plus I like the story behind it. I’ve also written some Japanese (around two sentences) myself which I want to get tattooed. This’ll either be somewhere else or somehow incorporated into that tattoo, somewhere else on my arm.

    What do you guys think? I’m a tattoo noob so please enlighten me!



    that is a very interesting and intricate piece. it would be hard to fit all the detail onto that area of your arm without having overlapping or blending of the inks. personally i think it would make a better back or chest piece


    I don’t see this fitting on the bicept, unless you plan on cutting out a huge amount of detail.


    You are out of your mind. There is no way. Period. Anyone who tries it unless he’s better than I’ve ever seen will screw it up. You are taking a picture designed for an entire back and trying to fit it onto your bicep? Jesus Man, do you expect the tattooist to be able to do it with a magnifying glass?

    Even if someone were daft enough to try it, you wouldn’t be able to tell what it was ten years from now.


    ^that was a little harsh.. but i suppose he did ask for critiques..

    I do agree with all of them though… that WONT fit on your bicep even if you only pick out the God and the creature (took another look at the picture and the whole thing is made up of the God and the creature.. man)



    Sorry that is a backpiece job anything less would be made into either a much reduced tattoo that would lose the effect that you want or would just become a blob of colour within 10-15 years.

    It would make an excellent tattoo but there is no way that will fit on a bicep .

    For a detailed piece like that you will be talking a min of 20 hours and prob closer to 30 hours – this is if you went for a backpiece and had all the details put in.

    Take Care


    right , whats with the dixie’s dogs ? you have that tattoo and want to cover it ?
    its a cool tattoo leave it !! and what everyone else said is right , thats a back piece job



    I am new to the forum, but I’m a professional and I hope I can help. The idea you have is great! However, I just wanted to point out a few things. Some people have said it’s too much for the bicep, it would have to be a back piece, etc. This is both true and false. If you wanted this tattoo on your bicep it could certainly be done, but you would have to let the artist simplify it somewhat. I would recommend simplifying this tattoo regardless, it’s a little too chaotic in my opinion. Just take the idea to a qualified artist whom you really trust and have him/her draw something up for you. Good luck…hope i helped!



    I’d agree with everyone else. As I asked in a recent post about a design…you would have to slim down the complexity of the design for it to work…or make it a backpiece. Maybe you could try and single out two of the elements you really like about it and get an artist to rework those somehow. However, it still probably wouldn’t fit vertically on your bicep (as per your reference image).


    Hey guys,

    Thanks for the advice. I’ll go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate it!

    And about the picture of the dogs… just something I found on google images to show where I’d like the tattoo to be! (it’s not one of mine!)

    Thanks again


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