
    yes, im getting a ‘tramp stamp’ as many people have called it… my 3rd tattoo decided to have a ncie design,, its not huge but bigger than my other. now natrually ive had the “oh god thats going to hurt” then people telling me it will hurt more than my foot.
    this NEVER normally bothers me i love getting tats but in all honestly im slightly nervous!

    does it REALLY hurt THAT much?
    i know people feel pain differently… but on the scale of tats…. foot or back…. i would have guessed foor would hurt more?



    You are having an area tattooed that has one of the highest amount of pain receptors in the body as there is a amss of nerves at the base fo the spine.

    Yes it will hurt no you will not be laughing but if you have managed a foot tattoo you will sail through a lower backpiece.

    Good luck and looking forward to seeing the design.

    Take Care


    My first tat was on the lower back and wasn’t bad at all.


    the bottom of my wings go down to my lower back and the pain was not to bad at all but i still couldnt help but flinch when my artist got right down to the bottom.

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