
    a few hours ago i went to a tattoo parlor to show my drawings (i’ve been there and shown a little of my drawings there a few months prior to that) and i asked him if i was on the right track and such, he said yeah and after that i asked him if he could apprentice me sometime soon and he said he has a apprentice right now but that i should come back in a few months (late august he later said) and to see then.

    do you think i have a good shot of getting the apprenticeship? i know i shouldn’t get my hopes up for this but it’s just really really exciting to me.


    Honestly it’s hard for anyone here to really say yes or no. Do you have a good sample of your work uploaded online somewhere so we can see it possible?


    well i do have one drawing that’s free hand but from a reference. the quality is taken out from my scanner though



    Hi Dylan

    First of all you have talent and I think given the right practice and determination you can make it.

    That said you are entering into one of the toughest jobs in the world so it may not happen overnight and most apprenticeships can last a good 5 years.

    If you are willing to put in the daily practice I am sure you would make it – if not in tattooing then at least in a graphics or artist/design based work.

    Take Care

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