
    Any special advice if I’m black and I’m getting a tattoo like is there any ink that will show up on me more than black because I am quite dark skinned and I heard that dark purple outlines actually show up on dark skin better than black I was just wondering if anyone had any experience or input to that.

    Whites, hispanics, hell light skinned black people are so lucky all the pigments show up better I have no choice but to get black ink since my skin is on the other side of the spectrum. Oh well I’m still going to enjoy my black ink tattoo it would just be nice to have the option of color.

    I’m almost 18 and within a month I’ll be getting my first tattoo I think I’ll get it the first day I’m 18 I’ve known what I’ve wanted for about a year and I’m so excited it’s all I’ve been thinking about ever since I got the money for it a week ago!


    Hi Shamwow

    Tattoo inks can vary in quality and brightness according to the pigment make up used.

    How well it shows up depends on the 4 main things;

    The quality of the ink used.

    The pigmentation of the skin.

    The health of the skin and body – poor health can mean the tattoo does not heal well and = less ink.

    The age of the skin – Not really an issue for you being 18.

    As for colours. The three main inks that usually stand out against darker skin are; black, deep red, and vibrant purple. The purple however can look a blue or brown against the skin depending on how much menalin there is in the skin.

    Black ink is usually the one used on the darker skin pigments – although I have seen them outlined in red where a person wanted it bolder.

    My advice is go to a tattooist who has experience in tattooing different cultures and skin types so they will know which inks work best on who.

    Good luck with the tattoo and post up when done.

    Take Care


    one of my best friends is black and she has a phoenix tattoo and it looks amazing on her , its only black and grey with white highlights but it really pops out at you ..
    i cant really offer any advice because im not a tattooist

    here is a new group i noticed on flickr while browsing at peoples tattoos before

    Any idea what you fancy getting tattooed ??



    I’m also getting a phoenix tattoo haha what a coincidence. My tattoo will be a tombstone with a phoenix on top of it. I’ll talk to different artists and see whats up thanks guys!


    Where do you live Shamwow?

    Like someone said above a tattoo artist experienced in tattooing african americans would be your best bet!


    I’m in southern cali LA county i’m checking out a shop by my school which should be experienced with black skin seeing as theres a buncha black people in the area haha and also one of the artists is a friend of a friend of my sister (who is moderately experienced in tattoos) who reccomended the place.

    So I’m thinking about going in there the next week or two so i can see what they’re about and if i trust them to transform my body then i’ll start going over the concept of my 3/4 sleeve so they can start working on it or at least give me some sketches of what they can do for me.

    I’m so excited!!!! I really can’t wait to start on my sleeve even getting one part of it done will have me so happy for months!


    Thats great – good luck and let everyone know how you go!


    make sure you post pics once you have started 😎

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