
    At what point would I notice any odd secretions? One of the two tattoos i got on my arm on thursday is now extremely sore. Quite swollen which I’ve never had before. And the skin around it is red. My whole arm is aching right down to my hand and it’s been almost 48 hours. The appearance of it looks fine though, other than the red (well, pink) skin around it, the tattoo itself looks about right for 48 hours. Not sure if it’s just because of the amount of linework done on it, http://img32.picoodle.com/img/img32/3/2/19/f_09022001450m_ec9d4fc.jpg, it’s only about 4″ by 2″ and yet the linework alone took about two hours because of how detailed it was, and also it’s just above my elbow so perhaps this is reason for the pain and swelling? Getting paranoid! Never had tattoo healing issues before, and have been doing the same aftercare as I always have. What happens to the tattoo if it does get infected – any detrimental effects?

    (By the way that picture was a couple of hours after – before the swelling)


    tat looks fine not even that red, usually for me takes 2-3 days for the redness to go away. Usually if you wash the tat as directed ( I just wash it in the shower) an keep dirt out of it and not touch it shouldn’t get infected

    I got like 12 tats and not a one of em has ever gotten infected


    Hi Azure

    That is a seriously detailed piece which is going to have more swelling as the skin has been worked over a lot with lines. I do not think it is infected at all and the inflamation is just your body adjusting to the work and should go down in a day or so. I would recommend Ibruprofen now that it is on.

    I have lived in the Middle East where in some parts tattooing is still primitive (you got it with knife cuts with ink smeared in, single needle jabbing etc) so have seen what major infection is.

    You will know when you have a major infection as you tend to get the following;

    Swollen lumps (not just general swelling) but these are like hard and very painful to the touch long after the swelling should have gone down. These can also be like red dots. ( Note if a person ever gets these do not under any circs pick at them – it can lead to blood poisoning).

    Discolouration to the skin – Fever red, yellow or bruised black/purple – again tends to happen after the scabbing period.

    Weeping – Not to be confused with the first off secretions but this is smelly, discoloured and oozing. Or if it is clear it is leaking blood traces long after it should have scabbed up or from beneath the scab.

    Also you would be experiencing burning sensations, maybe sickness/nausea or headaches.

    If you had these or are concerned my advice is always speak to a Dr it is better to be told don’t need antibiotics than leave it and get septacaemia.

    Anyhow it sounds ok and I wouldn’t worry.



    should i be paranoid about my tattoo buring like its on fire? i have this but no redness and i also have lots of itching and also feels like i have things walking on my back where the tat is. i just checked and where it burns i have skin flaking off. this is my first tattoo so i dont really know whats going on.


    Flaking and itching is normal, don’t scratch it though. As for burning like fire, I’m not sure about. I’ve had discomfort for a few days after mine, but never like it was on fire.



    The burning sensation I am referring to is something that has spread across your body and not just the tattoo area.

    It is different from itching – and can be very painful as though somebody has pressed an iron to it.

    If it continues after a few days and seems to be spreading like a rash across a large portion of skin then you need to get it checked.

    A small amount of redness and flaking is normal healing for a tattoo.

    Take Care


    infections happen normally. especially for big tattoos that require slow healing. this will be for some time but there can medicines to take to heal faster.. infections can also happen if you are careless about your condition.

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