
    I have a friend who has several tattoos and to be honest I really dont like them. He is obssessed with getting many more.
    when asked for my opinion, I just lie and say they look cool
    If you dont like a friends tattoo do you say anything or do you keep quiet???


    To be fair i have mates who have the same problem with tacky tattoos.. maybe its me being too opinionated (if thats a word) and picky at the tattoos that i get but, i’d like show them some better designs or just slightly hint in what would look better, maybe he/she would take it into notice.

    Nic x


    i just say ‘its not what i would have, however if you like it then fair enough’…everyones different and if the wearer likes it then thats all that matters. i’d never lie to them though.


    Depends how mentally unstable they are lol!
    If someone asks for an opinion and actually means they want a real opinion, I’ll be honest.
    If someone is just casually like oh dya like me new tat with a big grin on their face, I’ll usually just be like mm its ok I guess.
    If they don’t ask then I keep quiet!


    Myself I am always honest and try to point out the positive parts.
    If there is nothing positive I would suggest how they could improve it.

    But again it is very self opinionated – many friends hate my tattoos, my wife hates my tattoos, hell even my family hate them. That is because they just don’t like the idea of tattooing and has sod all to do with the way it looks.

    I wouldn’t want them lying to me though.

    Of course it is hard – nobody likes to be told you do’t like somehting about them. But a real mate would be honest.

    As a disclaimer – The only time I would lie if they asked do you think my partner is ugly…;)



    My bestfriend is the type to rush into things. And after seeing that i got 3 tattoos she decided that it must be cool and she must get one ASAP. So everyday at least 3 times a day she would come up with something different that was really random to put on her body and in different places.
    Finally i told her that a tattoo is important and should be thought about.

    I believe if your friend already has the tattoos.. there is really nothing you can do about those. But just remind them that a tattoo is forever and should have a meaning to it. Not because they like it as soon as they see it. And the next time they ask your opinion on a tattoo they want to get, ask them what it means to them and see if it makes sense lol.



    I’m very particular about the tone in my voice when I speak. I could say the same thing to a person who has a tat I like, one I hate, and one I’m indifferent about. Body language has a lot to do with it as well.

    The tone in my voice says it all… if there’s even a hint of sarcasm then I probably don’t like it. ๐Ÿ™‚


    thats the thing you see since it is for life I dont see how I can say its look shit???

    For me I would only get tattoos that have meaning.
    He is getting it for attentions sake and wants to show it off as much as possible.
    I just think the design is really ugly and he wants to expand it.

    smallville_hero;34048 wrote:
    thats the thing you see since it is for life I dont see how I can say its look shit???

    For me I would only get tattoos that have meaning.
    He is getting it for attentions sake and wants to show it off as much as possible.
    I just think the design is really ugly and he wants to expand it.

    I am with you on the tattoos with meaning thing – however I’m also a big advocate of minding my own business. If someone asks for an opinion then I’ll give them one. But I also respect people’s individuality and right to make choices for their own reasons, even if I don’t agree with those reasons. You should probably do that for your friend. Wanting to show a tattoo isn’t the worst thing in the world, a lot of people do, it’s because they’re excited/proud to have something new and amazing looking on their body, others prefer to be private about it. If he wants to extend it or get more, then that’s his business. You’ll realise, when you get your first, that tattoos are very addictive, so I can understand why he would want to. And as for it being ugly – once again, that’s your opinion. Does he like it? If so, who cares. When you get a tattoo, there’ll be people out there who like it and people who think it looks awful. You’ll never please everybody. Just because you think it’s ugly doesn’t mean you’re right and he’s wrong. It’s just a great example of the variation of taste we humans possess.

    It doesn’t sound to me like he’s asked you for a critical opinion about the tattoo, if he’s not then keep it to yourself! If he has then you have the choice, be honest, ‘hint’, or lie. Whatever. But coming online and posting that he’s wrong to get it because he might not have the same reasons as you would get a tattoo is pretty stupid, sounds like jealousy to me.


    I never said it was wrong to get it I just think the design looks rubbish on him. I guess its my own personal opinion and I suppose it doesnt really matter as long as he likes it and other people give him attention for it.
    It is his body and he can do what he wants.
    I suppose the point I am making is we are different. I would prefer a more personal and private tattoo and wouldnt get it out for evweryone at every opportunity.
    I would prefer people to notice the tattoo and ask me about it so I can explain the meaning behind it.
    I guess its just we are different people. and the post was also about honesty.
    In the past I used to hold honesty above everything else and never lie – it got me into trouble and offended people. These days to keep the peace I tell white lies to save feelings.
    I suppose I was asking more about honesty and lies – with a tattoo slant on it.
    I will maintain to him that it looks cool – not to hurt his feelings – but at the same time not be keen on them.


    I think one of the few forms of ‘acceptible lie’ is when you’re put on the spot and you lie to save yourself the drama of his reaction if you told the truth. If it was someone I knew wouldn’t be very upset/angry at my opinion then I’d be truthful, if they’re a bit overreactive then I’ll keep the peace, so there’s nothing wrong with that. Nothing I hate more than someone who asks for an opinion then can’t handle the truth if it’s not what they want to hear – people should put a disclaimer on things – “Do you like my tattoo? PS. Only answer yes otherwise I’ll kick off” argh


    is that always the case though?
    I saw a thread on here about a diamond neck tattoo.
    It wasnt my cup of tea so I politely inferred that its not something I would go for.
    Others were blunt by saying they thought it looked shit. Obviously the person got offended, but his original post was asking for opinions.
    People ask for opinions but secretly I think they want reassurance that everything is fine and looks good.


    Lol, I was thinking about the diamond throat tattoo post when I said that, I commented on that. There’s a difference in being blunt and rude – I don’t feel there is a need for expletives when giving an opinion – I wouldn’t say ‘it looks shit’ because it’s not my intention to hurt feelings (unless the person asking happened to be a complete wanker) – but I did give my honest opinion on that and also mentioned that if he had only wanted compliments he should have specified that.

    I think at some point we all ask for opinions when wanting a confidence boost, like the whole ‘does my bum look big in this’ thing lol, but if I was about to do that for some reason I’d seek out someone who I knew wouldn’t have the bollocks to tell me the truth haha, I wouldn’t ask on a board of opiniated adults who had no loyalty to me!



    I wouldn’t worry about it. Human nature is not designed to handle the total truth all the time.
    Personally I have nothing against been told the truth but for me it is a novelty as in my job people lie to me everyday. ๐Ÿ˜€

    The way to look at is this – if somebody asks your opinion on any subject go through a checklist that goes like this;

    Does my answer matter?
    If it does matter, how much do I care about their feelings.
    Will the truth better them or will a lie damage them?

    You will usually find that you end up in the middle ground – some call it white lies, some call it diplomacy. I call it an easy life. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    If you see a tattoo you don’t like unless it is horrendous share the passion of the person for tattooing. Makes everybody feel good and you can slip in improvement ideas (because you both love the idea of more ink!)

    Take Care


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