
    Oh jeez what a thread… a lot of confusion. Skinhead ink is where a guy gets a buzz cut or what have you then gets a tattoo on the head… Not…. my…… thing…. Hence why I said you shouldn’t get one. But if you want to get a tat on the head, by all means go for it. Just don’t expect my approval. =)

    Aquaned: You just followed your own stereotype by posting about a stereotypical place to have a tattoo on homosexual men.

    Azure: What album cover are you talking about?

    Demure;33481 wrote:
    Azure: What album cover are you talking about?

    Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon – unless I misunderstood the meaning of what the poster was saying?
    Link to the image – http://jssmith.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/pinkfloyd-album-dark_side_of_the_moon1.jpg
    Phenomenal album, totally revolutionary in terms of what it did for music, I would love it in the centre of my back but as I said something else is going there, and also as fabulous as Pink Floyd are, if I was going to get a band-influenced tattoo the Beatles would have to be first on my list!

    scrubmuncher;33369 wrote:
    skinny guys look good with skullcaps, depends how you wear your hair and where you work though.
    I always think oldskool skinhead tatts look brilliant, as long as it aint offensive, and is nothing out of the concept of skinhead culture!!

    i like some oldschool skinhead ones but swastaika’s are a definate no no ….:eek:

    Azure;33483 wrote:
    Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon – unless I misunderstood the meaning of what the poster was saying?
    Link to the image – http://jssmith.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/pinkfloyd-album-dark_side_of_the_moon1.jpg
    Phenomenal album, totally revolutionary in terms of what it did for music, I would love it in the centre of my back but as I said something else is going there, and also as fabulous as Pink Floyd are, if I was going to get a band-influenced tattoo the Beatles would have to be first on my list!

    Ahhh ya.. I forgot that’s what this thread was about… my bad… lolol Uh.. I like The Beatles more also but the logo for Pink Floyd is far more recognizable.


    Haha ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yeah exactly. Aesthetically, I think it’d make an astounding tattoo. With regards to tattoos, none of the Beatles covers would work as well as that an album cover imho (unless you had a giant Revolver cover, that’d be pretty cool!), and there isn’t one specific one that I’d pick, my favourite album of theirs is the white album which’d be a pretty lame looking tattoo haha.
    But the pink floyd cover tattoo would no doubt be something of a conversation starter… and I wouldn’t consider myself enough of a pink floyd ‘expert’ to be able to carry the conversations that’d no doubt ensue as a result… Beatles is my forte!
    Have been considering a small ish apple tattoo for a while, but worried it’ll turn into a big green blob after a while, any other ideas?


    Try a red blob instead of green! Hehe…

    Hey know what would be another band emblem that would be pretty sweet as a tattoo? THE ROLLING STONES!! Heck yes… lips and tongue baby… lolol


    Haha, I have that poster on my door just because it looks so cool, yeah it’d make a great tat! But then I’d be betraying the Beatles, wouldn’t I ๐Ÿ˜‰
    There are a couple of lyrics I’d consider getting, but I’m gonna have so much fucking writing on my body when I’m done haha I’ll look like a textbook, so quite fancy getting some more pics!

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