
    ive been thinking off getting a tattoo

    but i dont want it to stretch, i go through stages of being really fit and quite muscular and then….not so much lol

    is there any place it wont stretch if that makes sence?



    Unless you do steriods or grow abnormally fast you really don’t have to worry about it.


    just a wild guess, if u are in good shape and u put a tattoo on you’re arm, like biceps or something. Then you add couple of years to it, wouldn’t it stretch? i’m really thinking of getting one there, and its my top worry..


    Nope don’t think so. An example of a place that may stretch.. your stomach. Other than that… I don’t know… Does anyone else?


    I dont think its a concern…. I tattoo my uncle who is a big boy. Heavily into weight training. His old tattoos he had before he started putting on weight have not stretched at all. Old wifes tale…:)


    yeah dude i got the same shit going on i got a tattoo on my shoulder and i workout alot and im scared that its going to stretch lol


    i think the only time you have to worry about stretching of a tattoo is when your skin is stretching a huge amount, like when a woman becomes pregnant or something like that. But, if you’re that worried about it, the bonier areas of your body aren’t going to stretch as much as other parts, but bonier parts are also a lot more painful to get tattooed


    also I would like to add this to this topic:

    If put your tattoos on your body in places that flow with the muscle patterns underneath the skin, then it will not only look better on you, but even if it does stretch, it will stretch in a way that keeps the image intact. It is a technique that was started by the Japanese. You have to think of the pictures that you see in anatomy books, and get tattoos that are in the same shape as the muscle patterns…

    For example, a big square tattoo will not look good on your neck, as the muscles in the neck are long and flowing from the bottom forward to the rear top.

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