
    So I got this tattoo on my upper right arm awhile back. I like it because it has a ton of meaning to me but I’d like to dress it up and make it less tribal block. It’s a phoenix which is coming out of the flames but doesnt have much flames. I thought maybe some more flames with negative space flames incorporated over it but I’m not sure what to do. I try and talk to the artists about it because they know tattoo’s but they just want me to look at more pictures to find what I like. I am also worried of making something below the short sleeve look dumb or like stripes but I definitely want the tattoo below the sleeve which it really doesn’t do now.

    I guess I’m just looking for true artists to give me an idea of what they think would be cool to do. A bit of background that I have been a firefighter for 27 years, now a Battalion Chief so the flames really play into who I am.

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